The Bus Ride

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Some might find it creepy that there are five boys in hoods whispering rapidly behind you on a Greyhound bus in the middle of the night, but I didn’t really care. I didn’t really have a care in the world at the moment, they could have been a pack of serial killers for Christ sakes and I wouldn’t have given a flying shit either way. I just continued to look out the window, watching as rain drops ran down the window panes like a whole bunch of intersecting rivers, my music blaring in my ears. I just hummed and bobbed my head in time with the music. I didn’t even notice that I began to sing the lyrics under my breath.

“With a thousand lies and a good disguise,

Hit em’ right between the eyes’ hit em’ right between the eyes,

When you walk away, nothing more to say,

See the lightning in your eyes, see em’ running for their lives.

Now dance, fucker, dance, he never had a chance,

And no one really knew, it was really only you.

So dance, fucker, dance, I never had a chance,

It was really only-HEY!”

I was totally in the zone, until the green-eyed wonder who was sitting behind me, whispering with his friends only a couple seconds ago, ripped my head phone from my ear. He had pushed my duffle bag, which had been in the aisle seat beside me, down to the ground and took occupancy of the seat, an ‘innocent’ smile on his face.

“Sorry love, but we had a question to ask you?” It was clear to me that this guy was Britain born and raised from his strong British accent. Sure, I may live in Britain to, but I wasn’t born there. I grew up in New York, and not New York, New York, just New York the state. I was born in Ithaca. But decided to study abroad my freshman year of college. And I’ve lived there ever since. But I’m currently on a Greyhound in America on my way home to visit my folks for my little sister’s birthday. I had a slight accent, but nowhere as strong as this blokes.

“What do you want?” I snapped, still kind of ticked this guy had the audacity to rip my head phone from my ear, rather rudely I might add.

“Do you know where this bus is headed, by any chance?”

…………….Did that sound like a stupid question, or is it just me? I just gave the guy the ‘are-you-cereal’ look as I clicked pause on my IPod and took my remaining head phone out of my ear, suddenly intrigued by my creepy new found, and rather unwanted, companion.

“I know it’s an odd question, but we really need to know where this bus is going exactly.” A brunette with big, brown eyes poked his head over the seat, a pleading look in his eyes. Like all his other companions, he had on a hooded jacket and sunglasses, but his sunglasses where pushed to the top of his head. I scanned the surrounding seats and noticed that the other three had made themselves comfortable around me, all with the same pleading, desperate look on their faces.

There was one boy with light blonde hair, with some dark blonde hair popping out near the roots of his hair, and pale skin. I couldn’t make out any of his other features, because they were covered by thick, blocky, black glasses, taking up most of his face, and his hoodie distorted any of his other noticeable features. The next one was a tan skinned boy with a black quiff sticking out from under his hood, and his face too was covered by a chunky pair of glasses and a baggy hoodie. And the final guy had messy, light brown hair covered by a light blue beanie and hoodie. But unlike his other two friends, his glasses were sitting on top of his head, giving me a look at the guys actually face. He lightly tanned skin and big blue eyes, sparkling with mischief and childlike amusement.

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