Day Two: Operation Out of Sight

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“AW!” I woke up to the sound of a thump and a squeal. I didn’t even try to sit up because I already knew what it was.

“Luuuuux! You kicked me off the bed again!” If I had been more awake, I probably would have just snickered and said some sort of snide remark. But I just snuggled back into the pillows and relished in the space I had with Louis on the floor.

I drifted back to sleep, forgetting that Louis was still on the floor. Well, until I felt someone shove me off the bed and I landed on the floor with a thump. I didn’t have to see Louis’s face to know he was smiling like an idiot, but I could hear his annoying chuckle.

“Loooouuuuuis! You pushed me out of bed!” I mocked his earlier whine, but my voice was muffled by the soft white carpet. I pushed myself up to my knees and glared up at Louis, who was perched on top of the bed looking down at me, his cocky smirk plastered across his annoyingly cute face.

“How’s the weather down there?”

If I was a cartoon, I’m pretty sure I’d have a little tick mark on my forehead. But seeing as I’m not, I just glared at him as the gears in my head began to turn as I began to formulate some sort of counter attack. But my mind was still to foggy from sleep, so instead of doing something brilliant like I usually do, I pulled a good old, childish classic.

“I don’t know, why don’t you tell me?” I gripped the messy bed covers that Louis was currently sitting on and pulled. With a yelp of surprise, Louis came falling off the bed and crashed onto the floor beside me. I giggled evilly, smirking at the boy who sat beside me on the floor. Louis pouted childishly, but he had an amused, and dare I say impressed, look in his eye.

“Not bad, short stack. Not bad.”


I scowled when he called me short stack, but I was too tired to do anything about it. So I just stood up and stretched, looking around for a clock of some sort to tell me what time it was. When my eyes landed on the alarm clock on the nightstand, I had to physically hold myself back so I wouldn’t strangle Louis.


“Louis! Why did you wake me up?!?”

“Because you pushed me out of bed again! If I have to be awake, the so do you! I need someone to entertain me!”

What was I, a slinky?! I am not here to be a form of entertainment for this idiot! I am here to sleep and make it through the next two days without killing my parents!

So to get back at him, I grabbed the pillow off the bed and whacked him in the face with it, which he really wasn’t expecting. He mocked glared at me and stood up, grabbing his own pillow.

“It’s on shorty! It’s on like Donkey Kong!” He swung the pillow at me, but I countered with my own and leaped across the bed, trying to distance myself from him. But he just followed me and swung again, hitting my arm. We began attacking each other, throwing stray pillows at each other and using the bed as a shield. We were laughing and yelling at each other, throwing really lame insults at each other as we battled. We didn’t even realize how loud we were being until someone interrupted us.

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