Day Two: Operation Party Dress

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“Okay, keep your heads down and walk quickly! We just have to make it through the parking lot and then we’re home free.” I scanned the area quickly, and, luckily, since it was still early there weren’t many people around. So I didn’t have to really worry about people seeing the boys.

“Go!” We jogged across the parking lot, to the sound of Harry and Louis humming the James Bond themes song like we’re spies or something. I swear, those two are children trapped in teenager’s bodies!

Macy told me to go to a small shop across from the mall to get my dress, since she already had a couple picked out for me. And then she wanted me to the salon at the mall to get my hair, makeup, and nails done. But I had somewhere else already in mind, somewhere I knew I could get a good job done and I could talk to an old friend.

The shop was call ‘Ribbons & Threads Boutique,’ and it looked pretty promising in my opinion. It had different styles of dresses in the shop windows, and a brightly colored awning hanging above the windows and door. It didn’t look like it had been open for long, so there only one person inside, and that was the shopkeeper.

She was a small woman with fiery red hair and a temper to match. She had been running the shop since I was in school, I had gotten my dresses for my dances here, and I have to say I always looked amazing! This woman truly had a great sense of style. Her name was Bonnie and she ran Ribbons & Threads with her husband Dean, who was my English teacher back in high school. He was Jay’s old teacher too, and one of Jay’s closest friends. He had been the one to help me chose the University of London as my school of choice. I had him to thank for getting me, since his old friend was the dean. He’s probably the only reason I actually got in.

“Oh my buttons! Lu-Lu is that you?!”

Bonnie raced across the shop and tackled me to the ground in a fierce hug, her small, lanky arms squeezing the life out of me. I tried to stand back up on my feet, but it didn’t look like it was working, so Liam and Niall helped me up to my feet, Bonnie clinging to me and all. It wasn’t until my feet were flat on the ground that she actually let me go.

“I haven’t seen you in years! I’ve missed you so much!”

“I’ve missed you too Bonnie, but I don’t really have a lot of time to talk through. I have to get my dress and get ready for the party.”

“Right, right. Macy’s masquerade ball! Oh I just love that girl, she’s brought in so much business for me! I’ve been selling dresses like they’re going out of style!”

Macy had been directing people to buy their dresses here? Really? There were plenty of other shops around town, more popular shops, but none of them had the great service like Ribbons & Threads had. Bonnie was always honest with her customers, telling them which dresses look best and which ones made you look like a walrus. I loved the woman to bits.

“That’s nice. So Macy said she had some dresses picked out for me already.”

“Oh yes! And may I say that girl has wonderful taste! I couldn’t have chosen better myself! They’re in back so just follow me!”

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