Your Love

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Zendaya POV
We left the beach 30 mins after our conversation which was awesome. I enjoyed my night with Tez and it really took my mind off of things. Tez dropped me off , kissed me goodnight, And left. I'm standing on my porch thinking if I wanna go in there or call Tez to come back and pick me up. I decided to go in my house anyways. I twisted the doorknob and shockingly it's unlocked. I opened the door really caution like. I switched the lights on to find the one and only Trevor passed out on my couch, just great! I walked over to where he is and I was in total shock. Trevor had drunken at least 25 to 30 bottles of alcohol by himself . I can't just kick him out like this ugh dammit. I grabbed a cover from the supply closet and put that on him. I went upstairs grabbed him some Advail because he's gonna wake up with a pounding head ache and I sat a glass of water on the night stand with the medicine for him when he wakes up. I guess I'm doing the right thing even though he cheated on me. I still love him a lot && I don't want to let go just yet. I went upstairs took a long hot shower then got out . I put on some jogger shorts and a tank top to sleep in with my fuzzy short cut socks. I put my hair in a messy bun then took my makeup off with my makeup wipes to be sure I get all of it. After brushing my teeth and all I went and got in my bed. I started thinking of ways to let Tez off easy, to tell Trevor I forgive him, and a way to seek revenge on Zonnique Jaliee Pullins. I started to doze off when I heard a bump downstairs. I got up slowly and walked downstairs. Trevor was awoke and he looked in pain. I walked over and put the Advail in his hand then help him drink and swallow. Trevor's eyes are blood shot red which is kind of scary but it'd the life of a hangover. After I laid him back down I went back upstairs , jumped into my bed, and I closed my eyes. Trevor came in my room and he was a little wobbly but he stood his ground.

Trev: Can I sleep with you tonight, please 😞

Daya: uhhh yeah sure

Trev: Thanks

Trevor climbed into my bed && he tried not to make it awkward but it was awkward , very awkward. I closed my eyes and began to go to sleep. Trevor on the other hand kept asking me questions . "Daya ,what happened between us?" , " Can we fix this?" , "Are we really over , Daya?" . I got up , put my Tim's on with a hoodie and hat . I grabbed my iPhone && my keys then walked to the park. I was thinking about all Trevor's questions . His voice repeated over && over in my head that very first question , "Daya , What happened to us?" I thought about that and I knew exactly what happened. I started sing 'I need a doctor' by Dr. Dre. I ended my song then I heard a faint voice call my name. "Da-Da-Daya" , it was Tez. I turned around to find Tez with blood shot red eyes and he was in his car. He got out the car and tried to kiss me but I could smell the alcohol coming off of his breathe. I moved back so that I couldn't feel his warmth drunk breathe. He picked me up and threw my in his car. I tried to get out but I couldn't he locked the doors. He unsafetly drove to his house and got me out by my arm. He had a tight grip on my arm and I kept trying to get him off of me but he'd just grab my arm tighter . When we got in the house he pushed me onto the ground and that's when I felt my eyes burning. My eyes were burning with tears that were coming down my face at the moment. I got up and looked around to see him on the couch passed out. I went upstairs to his room and cried.

~27 mins later~

Zendaya POV
I cried for a good 27 mins till I heard footsteps coming up the stairs so I stopped crying . Tez busted through the door and grabbed me by my hair and punched me. I cried and begged him to stop but he kept going. He punched me , slapped me, kicked me, pushed me, pulled my hair, threw me into stuff, and I just cried and begged him to stop . I got up and tried to run downstairs but Tez pushed me down the stairs . I laid there in pain groaning while Tez laid down and went to sleep. After 20 mins of Tez being sleep I put an Advail by his night stand and some ice cold water so when he wake up. I left a note that said "You're gonna have a massive head ache so take this Advail and rest. When you're fully rested meet me at the park @ 3, we need to talk" after I wrote the note I left and went back home. I didn't notice it was 4 in the morning till I looked at my iPhone , which was broken but I'm going to get it fixed. I laid down on the couch && immediately feel asleep.

Trevor POV
I woke up in Zendaya's bed but funny thing is she isn't here. It's 10:o0 a.m. I know she got up and walked to the park last night but she never came back. I went downstairs and first thing I notice was that the front door was open and Zendaya was on the couch. I walked over to Zendaya and she was all beat up badly. I woke her up to make sure she wasn't unconscious . I gently shook her so that I didn't hurt her anymore than she is. She got up and screamed in pain. "Take it easy Daya!" ,trevor slightly yelled. He gave her some pain medicine && her pain quickly went away. She said she wanted to take a shower so I carried her upstairs to the shower so that she could bathe. I picked her out some joggers, a black tank top along with her hoodie and I gave her, her 23 Jordan's . She was in the shower for about 15 mins then when she got out it was 2:40 so has got dressed and told me she's be back at 3:45 , I agreed && she left.

Zendaya POV
I was meeting Tez at the park to discuss what happened last night because I can't be in an abusive relationship . I have to break this off right now before he takes it too far and I end up dead. I was walking as slow as possible to think over what I'm gonna say to him . I arrived at the park 5 mins early so I went to the ice cream truck to get some ice cream , YAY! It should make me feel better .

Tez POV ( is this the first time?)
I woke up with a massive head ache . I looked around and found a letter with water && medicine by it. The note read " You're gonna wake up with a massive head so take this Advail and rest . When you're fully rested meet me @ the park at 3 , we need to talk " signed Zendaya . I looked at my house which looked messy. I took the medicine then took a shower. I put on a pair of blue jeans with a white t-shirt and my 23s Jordan's . After all that I headed to the park to find Zendaya looking into dead space. I walked over to her and sat tried to kiss her but she moved away. I was so confused. I sat down and she looked at me. She had bruise marks all over her body. I got awkwardly mad and worried. She took a deep breathe and turned to face me.

Daya: Tez we need to talk

Tez: I'm listening

Daya: I can't do this

Tez: What?!? Why

Daya: I lost all respect for you and trust

Tez: How!! -Tez said yelling-

Daya: look at me

Tez: who did this

Daya: -she whispered as low as possible- You did

Tez: I DID??!??!!?

Daya: yes Tez , you did

Tez: when ?!?!?!

Daya: I'm getting of that

Tez: I'm all ears

Daya: Last night I had a lot of things on my mind so I came to the park to think things out and clear my head when you came to the park picked me up and threw me into your car. You took me to your house and when we got there y-y-you grabbed me by arm and took me into your house . W-When you opened the door you pushed me down into the ground . You went to sleep for a good 27 minutes then you busted in your room where I was and-and-and grabbed me by my hair and punched me . You punched me, slapped me , kicked me , pulled my hair , threw me into stuff while I cried and begged you to stop .

Tez: omg wow I'm so sorry Daya I never meant to hurt you I just had wayyyyyyy too many drinks

Daya: I can't be with you right now we have to build up this trust and respect bar again and go from there

Tez: Daya I messed up one time please just forgive me -gets on his knees-

Daya: No I can't

Tez: Baby I'm sorry don't leave me -grabs Daya hands-

Daya: don't ! -got up and moved away -

Tez: I'm sorry baby I'll crawl to you I'm sorry -crawled to Daya-

Daya: I hear you baby I hear you

Tez: You hear me ?

Daya: yea -kneels down- but sorry just ain't enough

Zendaya walked away after that leaving me speechless on the ground in tears. I got up and left to go home when two guys ran up to me and beat me up . They started banging my head onto the ground and everything went black.

❤️- Zendaya && Trevor??
🙅- Tedaya ?
👊- The two guys && Tez fight?

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