♡︎Bruh first Date?

25 2 0

♡︎Saturday afternoon♡︎

Hey Kenma

Yeah what's up?

Oh just that yesterday was fun

Yeah it was next time come to my house

For sure 
Hey tomorrow do you wanna go to this store they're having a sell on video games

Yeah sure it's a dat-
im mean what time

Mmm..around 9 am cause
I wanna be there before anyone else
and i don't mind it being a date 

Oh okay then it's a date
see you then

Oh wait you didn't give me the address

Oh right lol
*the addy*

Okay bye <3

Bye luv
*𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑘𝑒𝑛𝑚𝑎*

♡︎Sunday morning♡︎

You woke up to an annoying noise which was your alarm. you pushed the snooze button and fell asleep again... A few minutes pass and you heard that annoying piece of shit noise again you were about to push the same button but this time you woke up to your sister yelling at you about how loud your alarm was and to turn it off but when you did you look at the time it was 7:45 and so you got up and went to the bathroom to do your routine.

By the time you were done it was 8:25 and thought to yourself *should I do my makeup* and so you did

You went to the kitchen to make some breakfast and made *your breakfast choice* you ate it and when you check the time it was 8:45 and you got your bag and keys and went out the front door and lock it and then started to walk...

you were walking for around 5 minues and spotted kenma on his phone as usual and jogged up to him "good morning Kenma" "oh good morning y/n"

When Kenma and you reached your local
game store there was a few people already there so you were glad that you guys went early.

You guys went your separate ways to get the games you wanted and when you got what you wanted you searched for him and was a bit lost that store was pretty big and while you were distracted by looking at all the games more people came in..

So when you had finally found him and saw that he hasn't chosen a game you thought maybe he needs helped so you told him "having a hard time Kenma" "yeah..I want animal crossing but then I want Zelda" "mhmm you should get both" "oh..yeah I should they are on sale" once you guys were done both of you went to the cashier to pay..

Once you payed you saw that it was 10:30 so you said "wanna go to a cafe it's close by"
"Sure which one is it"
"Oh it's noir cafe do you know it"
"Yeah I've been there a few times"
"Ooo cool" you smiled

•Time skip•
When you were at the door of noir cafe Kenma open the door for you and walked in after and you went to line up and ordered f/d (favorite drink) and f/p (favorite pastry)
And he ordered coffee and apple pie

After you ordered you choose a seat in the back where there was a window and sat across from Kenma you were conversating about what games you two had got...
  When your order was called you went to get it and after he was next so you two got them "should we leave and just walk around"
Kenma had asked and of course you said "Yes"

•Time skip•
It had been a few hours after you started to walk around and you got some clothes and Kenma got some too and you two were now walking to your home because you had asked if he wanted to go

When you reached your home he hugged you good bye and said "this was a fun 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒" and you just smiled until you realized he said "date"... "it really was" you said trying to get your self back to normal all he did was smile and said "bye" while walking.. you unlocked you front door and ran to your bedroom and hopped on your bed and screamed in to your pillow

Ummm...sorry if this chapter was boring I kinda wanted it to be chill????? Umm but yeah
Anyways stay safe and drink water and eat
Bye bb's <3

𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑃𝑖𝑒 ❥𝐾𝑜𝑧𝑢𝑚𝑒.𝑘 Where stories live. Discover now