chapter three

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chapter three

   On the scratched up wooden desk sat a worn out brown leather journal, the book itself opened to a blank page with only a few Latvian song lyrics scribbled on it neatly in cursive. Sitting in the desk was Dace. It was her third period study hall, and she never felt more alone. So her journal sat in front of her to be her friend. She went through and read all of her old stories and entires that filled her mind with cherished memories she wished she could go back and relive. She knew she physically couldn't, but if she could imagine it, that's all that would matter.

   The brunette decided to take a break. She sat down her pen back onto the desk and closed the pages of her journal, tying it shut with the string that was attached. She took a deep breath, and let her hands rest gently on top of the rough surface. She bit her lip and looked around the classroom. Considering it was a study hall, there weren't very many people in the room. Two freshman girls in the corner, a few boys in the back of the classroom, and a couple sitting in the very front. Alone, Dace sat smack dab in the middle with no intention of doing anything. She had nothing to do. After Scooter gave her an entire tour of the school, they made it to the large auditorium for the last few minutes of the assembly. The varsity team practically drooled over her, but when Rick opened his mouth for all of them to back off and not to touch her, they listened, even Scooter himself. It also didn't help that the completely got separated after the assembly, so, they haven't seen each other since.

As her eyes traveled around the room, back in the back, her eyes met with a boys. She didn't know him, but she saw him this morning talking with a few of the boys from the varsity team. She assumed he was popular by the way he carried himself and talked to those around, but to her, he seemed caring and nice and not arrogant like the other boys. He reminded her of Scooter in a sense. However, this boy was different. She didn't know how yet, wether it was good or bad, but he was different. He had golden blonde hair and bright green eyes with natural dark long eyelashes that made his eye pop even more, even from a distance. Freckles caressed his face gently and were scattered evenly on his cheeks, his nose, even his forehead. His skin was so tan and golden, it made his lips look pale, but it didn't look bad at all. There wasn't anything bad about his looks at all. He was desirable. And, all of his attention was on Dace. If any girl in the school would have noticed, they would've been jealous. Most of them were already jealous of Dace; she was staying with the captain of the varsity hockey team and football team, she was already great friends with the varsity goalie, and all anyone had been talking about was the foreign exchange student, even if she didn't come close to noticing. She didn't pay attention that much, and she also didn't seem to care that much. She just wanted to focus on a great day of school.

The boy turned his attention away from his friends and walked forward in the direction of Dace at her desk. He sent her a flirtatious smile that only made the girl blush. She wasn't used to the attention. First there was Scooter, now there was this mysterious boy heading her way. But she knew that after the things Rick had said at orientation, Scooter was probably too intimidated to approach her knowing that her host brother was watching his and her every move.

In the blink of an eye, the boy stood over her desk, kneeling down in front of her, his elbows crossed on the surface while he gazed into her eyes, letting the girl know that he was all ears and open for a conversation. One side of his lips curled upward into the perfect smirk. Dace didn't know how to react, she didn't know what to do, so instead, she leaned back and stared right back into his eyes, letting him know the exact same thing. The room was silent.

"I'm Beau Kelly, quarterback of the varsity football team, class president, student council president, and your date for the night," he boldly introduced himself. Dace was taken back, but she was awfully flattered. She raised the eyebrow and returned the grin right as he gently shook her hand politely.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2021 ⏰

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