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Sitting in the foster home, I held the letter that could change my life for good. I could get out of the system, back to my family. Yet, I couldn't find the strength to open it. Her name was on it, Kelly Rose my big sister... she found me. Looking at the return address on the mail, Los Santos. So that's where she went. I let out an audible laugh, she up and left after mom died. Never told me where she was going. Now, now I know. Opening the letter with a cautious hand I read the typed letter.


I've missed you so much! It took me so long to find you after I left. Please come be with me, I don't like knowing that you're in that foster home. As soon as I realized what happened when I ran off I felt horrible. I know a guy here, I work for him. He helped me get all the papers you need to get here. All you need to do is get here!

Miss you so much!


Looking into the envelope I saw about $500 USD, a United States citizenship papers, a passport, even a fake birth certificate.... what is this? I furrowed my eyebrows but started to orchestrate my plan. I needed out of this foster home. The caretakers had no care for the children they had in their care, they only cared for their own child. Everyone else was only "temporary", those were their exact words. The woman caretaker came into my room with a curious look on her face. "Is that your sister? I noticed that the sender had the same last name as you. What did she send you?" She quizzed. My only guess is she felt the thickness of the envelope and figured there was money inside. I hid all the fake documents and gestured to the letter.

"No, just a letter saying how my sister is going to get me late tonight when you're sleeping!" I said the lie without even thinking.

"Oh, well. It's already 6pm. Better get packing!" She let out a relieved sigh and left my sight. I mean, I understand. One less belly for her to feed, but at least show some damn joy for my sister finding me!

I grabbed my duffle bag and threw all of my belongings into it. Packing my clothes up, my hair brush, toothbrush, and the only picture that survived the house fire, the last picture that we took together as a family. I tucked that safely into the side pocket. I went down to grab a bottle of water from the fridge and glanced at the time: 8pm. How did it take me that long?! Oh well. The sun was long down and the caretakers where sipping their evening wine, watching the cooking channel.

I grabbed my bag from my room and headed out the door. I walked along the side of the road to a bus stop, I used some of the changed I tucked away to get onto the bus that went to the train station. I got off the bus and walked past the ticket booth and onto the train platform. There was a man in a fedora and a long black trench coat leaning against a nearby light pole, the smoke from his cigarette illuminated under the light.  I watched him from my bench for a few minutes before deciding to get up and dare to spark a conversation. Leaving my bag on the bench I stood up and walked the few meters over to him. I noticed he threw his half smoked cigarette to the ground and his hand reached into his coat, maybe he was getting his wallet? "Excuse me, Sir?" I stated shyly in hopes to get his attention. He looked over at me and the light shone onto his face just barley, his hat was doing wonders to hide his face. He looked like  he had a defined jaw, and a little bit of scruff on his face, maybe in his early 30's late 20's.

"Yeah?" He spoke with an accent I that wasn't from around here. Maybe New York or Boston? Maybe he can help me across the border.

"Would you happen to know the time the train comes?" I looked up at him with my curious eyes. His arm came out from his coat and he flick his wrist to stretch his wrist out enough to see the time.

"Ahhhh, looks like it'll be in in about 10 minutes." He reached back in his jacket to get a new smoke. He looked at me with a curious eye. "You travellin' alone, kid?" I nodded as he lit his cigarette. "Where's your mommy and daddy?" I gave him a stern look.

"I'm 16. Not 4. I can travel  alone." He let out a small chuckle as I snarled this at him.

"Well alright, my apologies. Where ya headed? Maybe I can give you some directions." He quizzed. This didn't feel very smart to tell a stranger I planned on getting across the border and hitch hiking across the United States to see my sister after 2 years.

"I'm uh-headed to see my sister." I swung my leg lightly brushing the concrete trying to be casual.

"Well good luck with that, Kid." He chuckled again and continues his smoke. That guy is so full of himself! Who does he think he is? I gave him an unamused look before I headed back to my bench. Not a few minutes later the train came and everyone unloaded off of it. I slipped onto the train without any trouble. Sinking into a seat at what would be the back of the train as we headed towards Niagara Falls. We passed all many stops, I couldn't keep track of them all. As we pulled out of Union Station in Toronto I saw the car door open and the ticket checker waltz in. Fuck. The bathroom was only a few feet away. Standing up I took my bag with me and headed for the bathroom. I slipped inside the small cubicle and locked the door. I heard him speak to a few of the other passengers. And then he passed the bathroom door and continued onto the next car. Phew, I made it. Opening the door a sliver at first I checked to make sure he was actually gone. Thank god. Opening the door the whole way, I saw a familiar fedora sitting where I was, facing away from the bathroom door. I walked out with my bag and slumped back into my seat. "You don't have a ticket do ya?" He asked with a smile. Quietly I shook my head no. He laughed. "Alright kid, where you actually headed?" He leaned forward so he was closer to me, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Los Santos" I mumbled looking at his shoes.

"How do you plan on getting there? You're alone, with no passport I assume, and no mode of transportation. So what're you gonna do? Take the buses and trains to get through each state?" I stayed quiet. He let out a small chuckle. "Alright Kid. Look. I got a ride waiting for me for a plane to LS. Just had some business to do up here. You come with me, I'll get cha there."  I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Why do you want to help me?" I quizzed.

"Why? Because I know how America is. You wouldn't make it to LS. You'd make it two streets in Buffalo and you'd either be kidnapped or killed." He leaned back in his seat and we sat in silence the rest of the way.

The Don's Little BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now