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Inside the airplane was beautiful. 12 leather lazy boy style seats, 6 on each side in sets of 2. I slide into one in the back left corner trying to stay out of sight. The plane was huge, nothing I ever thought I would see in my life time. It took a few moments for everyone else to enter the plane. I'm guessing they had to share words out of my earshot. Maybe they think I know Italian, if that's even what they're speaking. They boy from the passenger seat of the car we were in came on first, he looked at me but sat at the complete opposite of the plane. Next came Antonio, followed by the driver of our car and the two other men from the other car. All of them sat on the right side of the plane. Antonio had taken a seat in the back right, so all his people where in front of him. We put our seatbelts on and began the 5 hour flight to Los Santos. To think I was so close to seeing my sister after two years...I couldn't wait.

Antonio and the man who sat beside him shared words in what I'm almost certain was Italian the whole flight there. I couldn't tell what they were saying but it seemed to have a professional tone to it. The boy from the car kept looking back at me but I just ignored him, minding my own business. Watching all the towns below I thought about how lucky I was to ask Antonio about the arrival of the train. The flight flew by in a flash and we landed on the tarmac, two more black flashy cars were waiting near by with one man in a suit wearing a fedora waiting by the door of each car. One was younger, maybe in his early twenties like me and the other boy. And the second one was a older man closer to Antonio's age. One of the other boys on the flight ran over and opened the door for him taking the keys. He must be important. I grabbed my duffle bag from the seat beside me and wandered off the plane, Antonio followed behind me. "There's so many of you guys..." I said aloud.

"Yeah, there's a few. Lemme introduce you." Antonio replied as we stepped onto the tarmac. Being we were the last two off the plane everyone was stood in front of us chatting amongst each other. "Alright so almost everyone here is my brother." He let out a light chuckle and named them off from left to right. "Vito is there on the far left. He's the second to youngest. Next we have my nephew, Luca. I he knew that sat next to Vito on the flight over. Beside him is Enzo, he's the youngest out of all my brothers. The one that got in the backseat of that car over there. That's Sonny, he's the oldest of us all." He stopped for a second. I noticed he hadn't mentioned 2 other people that were standing over by the cars.

"What about that guy in the grey suit, and the other one in the black trench coat?" I quizzed.

"Yeah, that one with the black coat. That's my personal bodyguard, Zeus. Not officially, but he likes to think he is. And the grey suit. He's my business parter, Rossi, if I ain't ever around. He's who people go to." He looked over at the group proud. After a brief second of silence he headed over, pausing and looking back to me. "You know where you're headed from here?"

"Yep!" I lied with a big smile on my face. I had never been here before and saw how big the city was. He nodded his head and got into a car with all his boys. They drove off without another word. Vito seemed like a really cool guy, I do hope I get to see some of them again. Slinging the strap from my bag over my head so it was across my body I headed towards what I think was the city. I held onto my duffle bag strap like my life depended on it. Leaving the airport area I was greeted with two options. I could take a cab, using some of this money my sister sent me, or I could walk. Deciding to save my money I chose walking. Two ways I could go, the industrial district....or the beach...I think we both know what option I chose. I started towards the beach in hopes of finding my wonderful sister. 

Heading along the roads, I wandered all over looking for her. Walked to places that I thought she might have liked, thinking past to our childhood and how she'd take me to the quiet hiding places that she would find. It was starting to get late. So I decided to head to one of the hotels nearby, she sent me money for a reason...so far I haven't had to use any other than  for the train ticket. I walked over to the one that looked the least sketchy of the three, it was called the Crown Jewel Motel. Wandering up to the office I looked at the sleezy looking man behind the counter. He looked down at me and scoffed. "Get out of here kid. You don't got money." He leaned back in his chair. I reached into my bag and pulled out $100 dollars from my bag.

"Please? I need somewhere to sleep.." I pleaded. He looked up and ignored me once again. Reluctantly I pulled more money out of my bag, now holding $150 dollars the man raised an eyebrow. He reached down and swiped the money from my hand after a moment of him debating in his mind. He then grabbed a key and threw it my way.

"Room 115" he mumbled and leaned back in his chair counting the bills. I left the office and went to the room he gave me, laying my head down to rest. The wishful hope that I find my sister tomorrow.

The room smelt of cigarettes and must. I set my bag down on top of the dresser and examined the bed. It looked to have been made very poorly, like the housekeeper wasn't really paying attention to what she was doing. The comforter accentent the dimly lit seedy look almost too perfectly, a dark faded green showing it's been washed about 10x past the time it should have been replaced. The sheets had that yellow smokers tint to them. No matter. I was happy to have a bed to sleep in. I turned to the tube tv resting on the small table at the end of the bed and flicked it on to the news to fall asleep to. Carefully getting into the bed I laid my head back and dozed off.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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