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As the train pulled into the last station on the circuit. He stood up and gestured for me to follow. I grabbed my bag and stood up following closely behind him. We got off the train walked out into the parking lot. In the parking lot, right at the front of the building there were two identical black cars, with four men in identical suits and black overcoats standing against the cars. When they saw the man in front of me they straightened up and and called out to him. "Antoniiooooo! Took you so long, why didn't you let us come pick you up." One of them called. He had a deep voice, and dark skin. I don't think he was from the same place as this man, whom must be Antonio.

"Eh, I wanted to live the simple life once more. Once we get to LS I won't be alone no more." He shrugged. I peaked out from behind him and the four men looked at me. Antonio noticed and stepped aside so I was in full view of all the men. "She's coming with us, needs a flight to California too."

"Why she going to Los Santos?" Another one piped up, he seemed younger, closer to my age. he had the same type of accent as Antonio did.

"She's goin to see her sister." They nodded and seemed to accept the fact that Antonio was brining me, a strange little girl with them in their weird black cars. Two got into one car, that was in front. The one that had the deeper voice got into the driver seat of second car and the other, closer to my age opened the backseat passenger door for Antonio to get in. He and I walked over to the car, he stepped aside so I could enter the car first. Climbing into the car I slid across the leather seat so Antonio could get in as well. Once he was in the car, the door shut and younger guy got in the passenger seat. From the bus stop we drove to the border, the car in-front of us never leaving our sight. Antonio looked at me, "So what is it your sister is doing all the way down there, and you all the way up here?" He quizzed. I wasn't sure on what exactly I should tell him. I could tell him my sister moved away, but when we get to the border and sees my fake American passport that would raise questions. If I tell him that I was just visiting then that raises the question of why she let me go alone. I couldn't say nothing...I let out a sigh.

"It's complicated." Was all I could muster for a response.

"What's so complicated about it? It seems pretty simple" the man in the passenger seat chipped in. I sat and thought out a more...perceptive answer.

"My sister has a pretty intense job, I don't really know much about it. But she couldn't let people know where she was, which in turn meant I couldn't go be with her. I guess the plans changed, or she got a new job, and she sent for me" Hoping that explanation was better I glanced away from them and admired the views. The seemed to be content with that answer as the rest of the ride was fairly quiet. If they wanted to say something that they didn't want me to hear, they would speak another language. It wasn't French...I think it was Italian.

Finally the border came into sight. We pulled into the border, but instead of joining the long line of cars. They pulled into some parking spaces and we walked inside the border office. Taking my bag with me in fear of leaving my belongings out of eye sight I followed closely behind Antonio who had the two who sat in the front seat of the car we were in. The people in the office looked at us, then payed no mind. We walked all the way to the supervisors office. Antonio barged in without even knocking, there was somebody else in the office who seemed startled by the door opening. "Frankie! How are you pal?" Antonio bellowed. The supervisor stood up just as startled as the other man in the office.

"Mr. Moretti, I was expecting you earlier in the day, I thought you changed your plans." Frankie sounded nervous, like he was choosing his tone and words carefully. Antonio took his hat off his head to show his greased back dark brown hair as he walked around the office.

"Now why would I come early in the day, when I can come now and come through when there's less people travelling. It's what? midnight? there's only a couple hundred cars out there vs the thousand that would have been here if I came around 9-10pm." He was acting like he owned the place...who is this guy?

"A-alright, just take the road around the back of this building. The border officers know that there is two black sedans coming through." Frankie looked flustered as he explained the route they had to take.

"Thanks Frankie, let my dad know I said hey!" Antonio placed his hat back on his head as he turned around and noticed I had witnessed that entire interaction. He let out a sigh and gestured to go back to cars. He, the two other men, and myself made our way out and got in the respective vehicle. Once we were sitting in the back of the car again my mind was racing. Who was this guy, what kind of pull does his dad have? As we backed out of the parking spot we were in and pulled around the building I tried to find the right way to ask.

"Is your dad in the government? That would be the only way you wouldn't need to show papers at the border....right?" I looked at him with my curious eyes trying to understand what just happened. He let out a light chuckle.

"My dad controls New York, which is why I had to come to this border. He knows Frank Harrison, the supervisor we just went and talked to. This way, nobody knows that I left the country. In and out with ease." He gave a smile. I looked at him confused, but didn't bother asking him to explain further, I don't want to know more than I already did.

We drove to a small airport a few hours from the border where a small jet was waiting. "Woah.." was the only response I could manage. I had always dreamed of flying in a jet. I could feel Antonio looking at me amused. I couldn't take my eyes off of the plane though. There were a few other planes around as well that weren't as eye catching. A small cargo plane was on the tarmac getting ready to take off. "Are we getting in that one?" I asked looking at the small plane.

"No, we are getting on that one." He pointed to the small jet plane that had caught my eye. As we drove through to the other side of the fence onto the tarmac. I continued to show my awe struck reactions, two men stepped off the plane in suites and black trench coats with their fedoras, like the ones in the cars that picked us up. Antonio got out of the car once we stopped to greet the men. "Joey, Luciano. How are you boys?" He quizzed smiling. The door shut before I could hear their response.

"Alright kid, grab your bag and go get on the plane." The man in the driver seat spoke. He was the one that had the very deep voice. With his dark olive skin. I nodded and grabbed my duffle, exiting the car. The two men Antonio was talking to looked over at me briefly and continued their conversation. I climbed the stairs onto the plane, stopping at the top for a second to prepare for what I was to see on the inside.

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