Is Three a Crowd ?

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"Hmm, someone's grumpy today. Isn't it Thara ? "

"And i wonder why ? Come here little donut. "

A girl around 6 years leaped straight into Frong's arms. It was Frora , their baby girl. 

"Daddy ?Pa ? Why are my classmates so stupid ?"

" I don't know ? What makes you think that Angel ? "

"Well, they didn't believe me when i said you are my parents. They instead laughed at me telling it was not possible between two men and told me that's the reason why I am weird.I felt like smashing their heads. I am not weird just because I don't follow the crowd."


"Still thinking about what Frora said today ? "

"Hmm." Thara slowly approached Frong making sure the momentum is not broken and gently hugged his baby boy from back. 

In the chilly weather, two men stood at their balcony feeling the warmth of each other while admiring the night sky in silence but their daughter's words lingered in their thoughts.

"I made some hot chocolate. How about we watch some movie and cuddle ? Don't you think it is better than over thinking such thing. We raised our daughter well Frong. Not because everyone says so because we know it is true. The answer is in our heart. You know it's true."


That night when Frora passed along the living hall she was surprised to see her Dads cuddled under one blanket. Her heart skipped a beat. She hoped one day she would meet someone with whom she could share a moment like that. She turned off the light and slipped in between her parents.

Afterall , It's a family of Three.


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