Chapter 1

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Daisy's Perspective

Beneath the covers, I lay, trying to avoid the streams of light that flooded into my apartment. I felt great. It had been a while. I finally felt happy and oh, how I loved this high. I wanted to ride it and never get off. To get sick. I want to do something dumb and stupid not lay in this bed that has kept me captive for weeks trapping me inside my body.

I stepped onto my cold floor and walked to the kitchen which lay directly in front of my bed. I look through my fridge. My stomach growled at the sight of how barren it was. I walked to my bed and picked up the trash which was scattered across the floor. I then looked through my laundry that had been put away nicely into piles covering my floor before finding my favorite sweater. Before putting on my pants, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I hated what looked back. My messy black hair stood on top of my head in shambles. My arms held my pain and I looked empty. That's what scared me the most. When I looked into the mirror I saw nothing but a hollow shell.

How did this happen? That didn't matter. I ran into the hallway my hair falling down, landing just below my shoulder. I pressed the button that took the elevator down to the lobby "Morning Roger." I said to the man standing behind the desk
"Been some time. How are you?" He responds.
"Good as always" I call back walking out of my apartment to the shopping center that held my favorite cafe.

And then I saw him and had a great idea. "Hey. You. Hey." I called out.

"Me?" The boy with brown hair answered a puzzled look rested on his face.

"Yes... Wait up." And he did. He stopped and faced me as I ran up to him. I took off one of my rings and kneeled on the ground. Then, loud and clear, I said, "Will you...what's your name"

"Milo." He responded with a perplexed expression.

"Will you Milo, do me the honors, of being the happiest person by marrying me." quite frankly I didn't know what to expect. And for a few seconds, I felt overwhelmed. Why did I do this? You're so stupid. This poor boy just wants to get home. I just want to get home and hide in my bed. Then a smirk appears on his face. He turned left then right to see everyone watching. Then he looked at me and covered his mouth in shock.

"Of course! I can't wait to be your happiest husband and brother." You would not believe how silent everyone became. And then I let out the biggest laugh.

"So husband," I say dusting off the dirt that lingered on my pants. "What should we do next?"

"I think that you should decide seeing as you proposed" He responded, a smile growing on his face.

"Fine, your treat." I say as I drag him to the cafe.

"How much was this?" He said admiring the ring. "I expected something well.... Better"

"Whatever do you mean? That's the best of the best from the Walmart markdown bin," I say acting offended that he would degrade such an amazing ring that I have come to love.

"I apologize, I didn't know you splurged that much. Now that I look closer I see the exquisite marksmanship," he respond admiring the ring a smile on his face.

"Of course I splurged for my one and only," I say turning to him. His eyes were a gorgeous brown. How that was possible."Here it is," I say as I throw my hands up to a sign on a building that reads Calebs Cafe best coffee in town.

"Best Coffee.. really?" he said.

"It tastes like shit, but I love their bagels and eggs"

"Okay then. On that note lead the way"

The bell rang as I opened the door. "Let's sit here," I say as I scooch into a booth in the corner.

"What do you want?" I ask

"I'll have a plain bagel with cream cheese."

As I go to the counter to order, I turn around and see Milo watching. Did I just do something stupid? He is kinda cute, he has that anime puppy vibe going for him.

"What's your name?" Milo asks after I've sat down.

" Daisy"

" Okay, Daisy" he says testing the name on his tongue. A smirk coming upon his face " What are going to do next. I mean we are engaged"

I hadn't really thought of that. I didn't even plan on getting married. Fuck . How do I get myself into these positions. I felt nervous and scratched my arm. As I felt my skin break apart a calmness fell over me.

" You decided. Plan a fun adventurous, romantic day."

" Okay. Tomorrow I'll come pick you up at 12:00 p.m. be prepared for the best day of your life." He responds.

As he ate his food and talked I realized he didn't know anything about me. I could be what ever and knowing that brought a peace that I urged so much to feel. So when I went to bed that night after Milo dropped me off, I didn't feel trapped by the sheets but embraced. Excited for the new day ahead.

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