Chapter 2

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Daisy's Perspective

Knock. Knock.

The sounds came from the door. Milo !!! As I swung open the door, I saw him, his fluffy hair bouncing on his head, his brown eyes smiling at me as he walks in.

"I brought donuts!!" He exclaims, looking proud of him self.

"Where have you been all my life." I said admiring the donuts.

"A neighborhood away."

"Not you dumbass, the donuts"

"Rude" he says putting a hand over his heart.

He hands me the box of donuts then proceeds to lays on my bed.

"Normally I would kick you off." I remark. "But I'm busy right now." I say as I lick my fingers.

"Mhm. Sure you would."

"I would." I responded offended.

"I don't think you could even push me off, let alone kick me off." He says with a soft smile.

"Fuck you." I say rolling my eyes as I began to eat a second donut.

"Do it yourself." He responds now laying on his back. I can almost see a smirk on his face as he stares up at my ceiling. He's probably right. Not that he has any muscle to weigh him down. Okay maybe a little.

"So what's the plan I say." Just now realizing how stupid I am. I found a random guy on the street, told him where I live and am now allowing him to take where ever he want.

"Since it's lunch time I think we should have a picnic by the lake a few minutes from here."

"Sounds good, get your dirty ass of my bed and lead the way." I say as I put on my beige converse and open the door.

"My ass is quite clean thank you very much" He says pretending to be hurt.

"What every you say, Milo." I reply as I roll my eyes.

The sun was out and there was a perfect breeze. All around you could hear the birds singing and see the squirrels playing tag. Milo led me to his Jeep. "Princess." He says with a grin, as he held the door open.

"Oh thank you humble servant." I say as I hop into the car.

I could feel the wind pulling back my hands as they danced outside the window. Milo kept stealing glances at me. I couldn't be quite sure why. Maybe he was just as confused as me about a why he was doing this.

As I looked over I noticed he was wearing the ring. "It looks good on you!" I yell over the wind.

"Most things do." He said sarcastically.

"You know you really make it hard to compliment you."

"It's called confidence" He mocks before swerving the car into park. "We have arrived" he said with triumph on his face.

"Finally, I think next time I should drive."

"Rude. I'll let you know that it only took me three times to get get my license."

"Wow that gives me a lot of assurance." I say as he unloads a basket from the trunk off the car, which I assumed contains our meal.

"Ahh. This seems like a perfect spot for a picnic." Milo says laying down a blanket.

The wild flowers lay in the tall grass dancing in the wind undisturbed and happy. You could barely hear the cars as they drove past. It was serene. I lay on the blanket as Milo unloaded the food. There was strawberry, blueberry, chicken, macaroni, cheese, crackers and more.

"How did you find this place." I ask the wind blowing in my hair tickling my back.

Milo answers his voice calm and slow. " I don't know. One day I just stumbled upon it."

Something about him made me feel safe. How I loved his voice. It was deep and slow and had a raspy edge. For a moment we just sat there, staring out onto the lake watching the geese.

" I have something for you." He says sheepishly. "Close your eyes and hold out your hand." As I did so I felt a velvet box. I opens my eyes and open the lid. Inside lay a rings it was a gold band with little daisy imprints.

"I love it." I say a lump in my throat. I rub my fingers over the imprints.

"Only the best for my one and only." He says. He's smiling now.

"Oh,shut up." I say.

"I didn't say anything." He says amused.

"Yeah. Well your eyes did."

"Oh.. I see, so your telling my eyes to shut up." He says laughing just as I'm about to throw a strawberry at his face. "Wow, I prepare this lovely meal and you throw a strawberry at me. I'm hurt." He says falling onto his back allowing the plush, green grass to engulf him.

"If you could be any color in the world what would you be." He asks. "No matter how stupid it sounds you have to have a deep answer."

I pounder this question for a bit. "I would be green. It's the color that we see every day, it's the color that makes up the tress and the grass. We take it for granted and instead point out the gorgeous flowers that grow from the grass."

After a few moments of silence he turned to face me. His eyes looking over analyzing me. "Flowers are overrated."

We eat the food that Milo hand picked up.

"Where to next?" I ask

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