The twenty-sixth chapter

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(Sorry about the last chapter it was kinda too short but I had to, I was super tired that day -w-' Content warning btw! It's probably gonna make you slightly jealous... Alright fine... Garcello will be lovely towards Alex...)


Y/N pov.

I am sitting at the table in the kitchen having a warm cup of coffee in my hands (Choice of adding into the coffee or just have some milk and sugar)is in it. Swirling it slightly to make sure that none of it had fallen to the bottom.

Looking up at the small calendar by the opening of the door leading into the hallway I can see how many days had passed. It has been a month at this point and Alex has been staying for a while.

I don't remember what has happened before this and being in the hospital because of Alex's broken lung. As far as I know, it had healed fully and he was fine but Garcello has constantly been begging me to keep him here without telling me why.

Feeling kinda frustrated that I don't know much about the reasons I can feel my eyebrows furrow and my forehead getting slightly crinkled from it. I take a quick look at my drink and sip on it slightly still having the same expression thinking of what might be the cause.

Did he like him more than me? I mean... I can't really stop him... 

Deciding that I am probably just overthinking everything I look out the window only to find nothing outside... Well, it wasn't all darkness just a few dots of white was there almost like stars. It wasn't like that for a few minutes ago...

I suddenly feel off. Just feeling like I should check on Garcello and Alex to find out how they are doing while this is happening. When I go towards the hallway I can hear weird sounds coming from the living room...

Feeling like I should know what they are doing I quickly stop right where I can barely see the edge of the couch... Holy shit!

---(Please proceed with caution, this contains forced actions and this isn't Garcello's fault!)---

"G-Garcello, stop... I... Y/N likes you... I can't..." I hear the complaining from a smooth but light voice shaking slightly. Alex was sounding really insecure at the moment and I don't know how to handle this...

I feel like I have to walk in and stop this and when I do so I find Alex on top of being pressed down by the large hands of Garcello. The male on top looks really uncomfortable looking away from Garcello who seemed to not move at all?

This is so wrong... What the fuck is happening?...

---(The actions that I was talking about is now over and you can continue here if you wanted to skip!)---

"Ah! Y/N! Please help me! I can't wake up!" I hear Alex's voice ring out to me. Looking from the back hair of Garcello to Alex he was now looking at me his hair was uncovering his eyes. His eyes were blanc except for the bloodshot parts and he looked so tired...

"Wake up Y/N! Wake up! Please!" His voice is shaking and I realize the world around me disappearing slowly. I can feel my head hurt and the world turns lighter...


My eyes open up quickly and I can't help but breathe heavily from the dream that I just had. It was almost frightening that it even happened in a dream... My whole body is cold but also sweating at the same time.

My eyes hurt and I start to wonder how I could even think of these things... 

Was Alex alright?...

I start to lose myself in different questions. Garcello seems to be fine but I still have no clue how Alex is doing... Deciding that it would be best to check on him I slowly slide my body to the edge of the bed that both I and Garcello have been sleeping on for the night.

My body is aching slightly while moving but I end up being able to sit up by the edge. Trying to stand up I stumble back down onto the bed again hoping that I didn't wake Garcello from it... I try to stand once again and this time I succeed with it even though I stumble slightly when fully standing.

Still stumbling a bit I walk towards the door that leads into the hallway and pushes it forwards with ease. Walking into the room I hear coughing almost echoing slightly but was very muffled as well. Was it coming from the bathroom?

When I had walked to the bathroom I could hear the coughing clearer as well as a deep voice cursing? I haven't heard this voice before... It is similar to Alex's voice but still different enough that it could be a totally different person.

The deep voice sounded like it was in pain and I can hear some shuffling of what sounded like fabric. Maybe bandages or clothes...

Hearing a small cough closer to the door and a click I back away from the door not wanting to be in the way. I see the fluffy hair of the tiny male that is holding the pole that was linked to his breathing machine...

"Y-Y/N!?" I hear him whisper slightly loud his voice shaking again like... In the dream...

I can feel my face change into a worried look and feel arms wrap around me. I realize that the dream was not just any type of dream... Did we just have the same dream?

"Alex... Where you in my dream?..." I ask him slowly rubbing his back while he is shaking slightly. I don't get any vocal answers from him but instead, I feel his head move up and down...

"I tried to tell him... I don't know why that was in the dream, to begin with... Especially when I know that... That you... Like him..." He says slowly stuttering and repeating some of the words like it was hard for him to tell me this. Does he have the same feelings or is he just embarrassed to know this?

The question lingers until I realize that he knows! I can feel my face heat up slightly and his head moved away from my chest. When I look down at him he seems to be smirking at me... That little shit. 

I laugh slightly and I can hear him follow along.

"You should tell him ya know... He would definitely appreciate it. Also, I don't think that I will be able to sleep after what had happened in that dream..." He began saying it with a smirk but when he told me about the fact that he can't sleep his smile faded and he was looking away.

"I don't think that I will be able to do so neither... Do you mind if we sit in the kitchen and talk a bit?" I ask him figuring out that maybe if we both can't sleep I might as well ask him some questions while we are both here. 

"Sure... You know what! I trust you enough to tell you anything you need to know! Maybe we can get on better terms?" He tells me looking at me through his hair. I can almost see his eyes at this point but not enough to tell if they were the same ones in the dream or not. 

What questions should I even ask to begin with? (There used to be a choice here to ask questions but that is over and no one wanted to ask anything. You will get the answer to whatever question is brought up but no extra questions will be added!)


(Here is a better chapter there is no picture because I want to get this one out as quick as possible and doing a picture would take up more time than it should. I want you guys to have as much time as possible to answer your questions. Take it as a QnA with Alex!)

-----(Until the next chapter!)-----

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