Will You Return?

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It was at night on a beach when a certain boy piped up: "Are you going to come back?"

The owner of the shoulder he was leaning on raised an eyebrow, and in a steady, measured voice, answered, "Of course. Why not?"

The asker was clearly satisfied with the answer because he closed his obsidian eyes, and snuggled closer to his partner.

"What should I do to you if you don't?"

There was an awkward silence, then the other boy who had silver blonde hair in the moonlight replied, "What do you mean, teme? Are you saying that I would leave you?"

At that, they would both laugh, and then cuddle on the sand, not caring whether the waves would give them a bath because they were sitting way too close to the water.

"Oi Sasuke, what would you do if I didn't come back one day?"


"Just asking, but what would you do," the blonde boy leaned in, his cyan blue eyes a deep indigo, "if I don't come back?"

"Well, I'd get pissed, and start stomping all over you because you left me alone again in this huge world. After that...I'd probably chase you,"

"Even when where I go is a place of no return?"

"Yeah. You're my lifesaver in this ocean we all call life, Naruto. Without you I might as well be dead,"

"Goddamn, teme. You are one Mr Sunshine,"

"Yeah, I know,"

A moment of peaceful but thoughtful silence, then...

"Oi Sasuke,"

"What, usuratonkachi,"

"What if I don't come back, but I might still be alive?"

"Well I'll wait for you, the way you did over all those years,"


"Of course."

"Teme, I love you."

"Usuratonkachi, you know I do too,"


"Sasuke, you're drifting off again. You've been doing this more than usual. Are you sure you're feeling alright?" a voice popped Sasuke's thought bubble, and his blurry eyes slowly focused on a young girl with dyed neon pink hair.

"Ah, Sakura...I was thinking about my partner," his voice that used to be as smooth as velvet is now cracked and soft.

"Partner? What do you mean?"

"Yeah, he left a few years ago before me. I was just thinking about our promise when we were young,"

"What was it?"

At that question, the hunched man suddenly sat up straight, onyx eyes full of love and purpose.

"That beautifully annoying blonde boy made me promise to wait for him," Sasuke answered, grinning.

"And I can feel that the wait is over. I'm gonna see him real soon,"

"Sasuke, no you're not," Sakura's eyebrows instantly knitted together, as she pushed the wheelchair towards the bed.

"Yes...oh and by the way, thank you for everything, Sakura. I'm really tired, so can you help me rest?"

She turned away for a moment to wipe her eyes, then faced the old man again. For an instant, she couldn't see his grey hair and wrinkly face, but a pale, young boy with jet black hair and devilishly handsome features.

"Sasuke...say hi to Naruto for me, will you?" she choked out, tucking the man in bed for the last time.

"Sure," and with that, he closed his eyes.

Hi guys! 

I have never written from this perspective before, and what do you guys think?

Lastly, thank you to anyone who has continued reading, and I appreciate every comment so far. 

So Arigato everyone and enjoy!


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