Part 3

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Mom was a solid fan of God and believes that everything will have a price to pay. She disliked my own uncle for supporting gay rights in California. Having to be a part of her family was the main reason why I hid my own secrets.

"Your uncle was a sinned man. He likes to drink, smokes, and most of all he supports these sinned bastards who parade every June like it's a frigging holiday!"

No matter how hard my uncle wanted to tell her that supporting gay rights, she just thought of it as a threat to our own straight ways.

"Where the heck did you snatch this?" I asked whispering to him in a tone of frustration.

He smirked at me and answered, "I snatched it from my neighbors' laundry outside."

I was happy to see him again since he was the only one I knew that knows what I am.

I crossed my arms in front and raised a brow for him to admit the truth. The dress he bought still had a tag on it. It was impossible for him to buy a dress this late.

I let out a big sigh and then lay on my bed, "Okay, that's from my sister. I bought it for her but she never wore it since then. Best if you have it, for safe keeps."

I wanted to look at the dress before wearing it. It was a white dress with three-fourths of sleeves. It wasn't bodycon so that's a relief.

"This is so elegant I might use this for a date even."

I heard him scoffed, "As if you'd be able to put through in a relationship."

"Hey, that's rude."

I then proceeded to wear the dress while he was still laying on the bed. It was a perfect fit for my body, although it was more formal to look at than usual. 

"My gosh Elias, this is too formal for me." 

Elias then rose from my bed and then looked at me from head to toe, smiled, and said "We should probably use that on another occasion."

"Jeez, I should've known." 

We noh then decided that I should wear a crop top and some jeans for us to get out and have a fun time. I walked towards the front door to check if my parents are around, I tiptoed by the time I was at the halls going to the door. My parents were not around so I opened the door and looked back to where Elias was standing. I gestured for him to walk carefully towards the door and after that, I went out and closed the door.

We both walked on the other side of the road for us to never be seen by my neighbors. It was a small yet quiet neighborhood so we were very cautious of going out. 

We've reached the other side of town which I saw multiple people going in and out of bars. 

"This is a bad idea."

Elias rolled his eyes, "Please, it's this moment or being at home listening to your parents lecture you."

I then went back and thought that if this is just one moment of me breaking bad and helping myself be free, then I'd go.

We went inside and saw some people who looked like in their mid-twenties, playing darts and drinking tequila shots on the billiard tables.

"Elizabeth Ramos, what a surprise to see you here." I saw a man approaching us with a drink in his hand. Elias gave me the "do you know him" look but I just shook my head in response.

"I was at Riley's party. Still dating that undermine jock?"

I just smiled at him and replied, "Oh we're not dating anymore."

His eyes roamed around my body and were making me uncomfortable. I took hold of Elias's arm to signal him that I was with someone. Surely he'll back off since Elias was taller than him.

"Oh, is this your new?" He asked.

"Eli," Elias introduced himself.

"Aaron. Can I give you two a drink?" The guy said and just ushered us inside the bar and asked us what we wanted to drink. I ordered a simple gin and tonic while Elias had a beer. 

I was busy looking at the place and realized I never noticed this part of town. Drunk people having fun and some of the locals having a great time talking to each other. This was a first for me since multiple house parties me and my ex had been to. I looked at Elias while he was eyeing someone from afar. A man who was in his twenties approached us, eyes fixated on Elias. Elias then went on and talked with the man, never breaking eye contact.

"I gotta go," Elias said while talking with the man.


I was all alone here despite Elias talking with a stranger on his side. The lady then gave me my drink and I noticed a rainbow flag on her right hand.

"Here, your buddy Aaron paid for that drink." The bartender said while I was still looking at her tattoo.

"Like what you see?" I then snapped back from my thoughts. 

"The pride flag, a symbol for lgbtq+ unity and peace."

"Yeah, I loved it since I have two gay dads. I'm really proud of it too." She explained leaning towards the bar counter. She was very calm and cool about talking about everything about her family. I looked up to see her face clearly, she smiled and reached out her hand.

"Demi, all around waitress in the morning, a barista at night. Openly gay and is not yet ready to mingle."

I smiled and took her hand and shake hands with her. She was a woman, probably in her twenties, with long blonde hair and expressive eyes. The main feature that I noticed from her was her expressive eyes.

"Haven't seen you here, you new to town with your boyfriend?" She asked pointing at Elias who was looking at the boys playing billiard on the sides.

"No, he's just a friend," I answered, looking back at her.

"I figured, he really likes that wholesome hunk there playing. Is he gay?"

I was taken back from her way of talking as if the actions didn't state the obvious.

"Yeah, but he's in the closet for now."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Strict holy parents I suppose?" She then asked while I was having trouble with what I should say. I can't tell her everything, she's just a stranger I just met. 

"Oh, I'm sorry for asking too much. It's just new to me that some are still hiding. I've been with people who were very vocal about it." She then looked at me felt bad for asking.

"It's fine. We're happy just the way things are right now."

I then smiled at her assuring her it was fine. Openly gay people know that it's really hard for some of the queer to be open and vocal about it.

In high school, I made a very big mask in order for others to not know about what I was hiding. I just had to go through all that without any spills and controversy. Lying a lot from other people was a difficult thing for me to make, especially in the popular spectrum of the school.

"I guess, maybe you both need a breather. Just be yourselves just this once. I'll give you all the drinks you need, it's all on me."

I thanked her for being so nice to us this night. As I finished my glass of Gin and Tonic, I then ordered 4 beers for me and Elias. 

Demi was very open to us and helped us become drunk and have fun for the night. Elias thanked me for accompanying him to this place. I was happy that I get to experience this before going serious about my own future. Seeing Elias being free made me happy that both of us had the time to lay back and enjoy until the night ends.

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