The Man is Who?

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One. Two. Three. Four... 

Too many to count I guess. I've tried over 100 times. There's just too many stars up in the night sky. 

The window inside the cell was too small.

An old lady once told me, "Deíte me ta mátia sas, den ta mátia sas." I would stare at her as if she was not even human.

That line she told me, in Greek, meant, See with your eyes, not your eyes.

Does that make any sense to you? Heck Nah it didn't for me. Even if it meant her whole life revolved around it. She never really explained it to me.

"Tha sas káthe forá pou vlépete." Was her last words.

I never quite got her name, but I know she told me.. I'll see you whenever. And her name was Ástraftan Astéri, meaning glistening star in Greek.

Then there was this man that stayed in the same cell with me, he wasn't much of a talker. He stares at everyone with dull gray eyes, assuming we were going to attack him at any time.

Someone did attack him though.  

It was one of the guards, his name was Luhon. He didn't find the man with the dull gray eyes amusing. After all, Luhon was just a doll for the God and his followers.

I stare as Luhon drags the man with the dull gray eyes away. The man was cold as ice and he was technically blind.

I never got to see the man with the gray eyes ever again. I didn't even get the dance to say, "Goodbye."

Luhon did come back into the cell. His face was cover in red stains of blood, his hands were shaking, and his eyes grew big as he stares into my poisonous green eyes.

"You..YOU! It's all your fault! If you hadn't--" Before Luhon could finish, Krin came up behind him and knocks him out with one slap on the back of the neck.

Krin doesn't look at me. He never does. Instead, he drags Luhon off and slams the cell door close.

I hate Krin.

He hates me too.

That night, I snuck out. Krin was the one who helped me out. Even though I was suppose to hate him, he told me something.

"I've always thought of you as a brother, Inric. Just remember, if you have no where to go, come back here and I'll always welcome you back," he says that in a monotone.

He doesn't look at me. He never does.I hate him, but I couldn't hate him.
As I walked further and further away from that prison, that cherry blossoms flow from the trees. The moon light made the petals twinkle a light blue.

It felt as if, if I turned around, Krin would kill me. I felt as if, Krin would come and devour me like how he did to Luhon if he were to look me into the eyes.

But I didn't turn around. Not even once.

The snow beneath my bare feet, I feel no pain. The coldness under my feet is numb. My body shivers but in the inside I'm burning with fire.

I look beneath me and see the stairway. It can lead to any place I want to go. Any place huh... Like in the story Mom told me about.

"I want to go.. To where I belong," I say. Tears streaming down my cold cheeks. I felt a hand pat my head.

I peek up, my vision still blurry from the tears. The moon light shines into the man's precious eyes.

My eyes still letting tears out, my nose running, and how happy I felt to see that man. A light blue petal falls, as I try to wipe my tears. The man smiles, his gray eyes full of life.

The man with the gray eyes ruffles my hair around. "Inric, goodbye." He looks directly into my eyes.

I hide my face. A smile forms on my face for the first time. As the man begins to fade away into the starry sky, I finally got to say--

"Goodbye.. Dad."


Next part: Let Go (Enya's POV)

To Love a StrangerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz