A New Life

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Nikki's Point of View

I walk Brandon out to the porch outside my house. Well, it's more like he grabbed my arm after dinner and pulled me gently outside to say goodbye. Not to be rude, but I'm glad he's going already. That dinner was so embarrassing!

My mom couldn't stop talking about how sweet Brandon was and how lucky I was! She whispered, but I'm pretty sure Brandon heard every word of it!

I'm still stuck wondering what on Earth they were talking about in the kitchen earlier, and Brandon refuses to tell me.

Hey! Whatever happened to no secrets between couples, huh?

Brandon stops and I look up at him, snapping out of my thoughts. He smiles at me, and I grin, blushing a little.

Brandon: "That was fun."

I roll my eyes and giggle.

Nikki: "Please, you know you loathed it."

Brandon: "I didn't. I swear."

I think for a moment.

Nikki: "Really?"

Brandon nodded and pulled me by the waist closer to him, surprising me. He leaned in until our foreheads were touching, and he smiles.

Brandon: "I loved it."

Before I can reply, his lips are pushed gently against mine, and I smile against his soft lips. My hands seem to become tangled in his beautiful brown hair, and it seems like the whole world is sparkling. We move in sync, and each kiss seems better than the last.

I'm not sure how long we stand there, kissing, but by the time we pull apart, I'm out of breath and my heart is pounding. We stand there, his arms around my waist and my arms around his neck. My cheeks are warm, and my whole body feels like heaven. He places his forehead against mine, each one of his breaths short and quick.

Our breathing eventually calms down, but we still stare at one another. Finally, after what seems like forever, he speaks up.

Brandon: "Maybe next time we should have dinner where I live."

Nikki: "Really?"

Brandon grins and chuckles softly.

Brandon: "Really."

Despite how happy this is, one thing always worries me-That Brandon will find another girl worth loving more than me. I haven't really talked about it to him, worried he'll think I don't trust him. I do, I'm just worried that someday soon we won't be together, and I'll be left behind.

I sigh, and Brandon's eyes suddenly become concerned. He slowly leans away from me, looking into my eyes more closely.

Brandon: "What's wrong?"

Nikki: "It's just that..."

I bite my lip, and I hope I don't hurt his feelings by confessing the next words to him. He looks at me, leaning in to listen.

Nikki: "I-I'm worried that sometime soon you'll find another girl and leave me behind. I know that it's so cliché for me to be feeling like this, but I'm worried."

He looks at me, and shakes his head, looking down. His next words surprise me.

Brandon: "I wanted to say the same thing. I don't want you to find another guy, Nikki."

He looks at me, and my eyes widen. I smile softly. He leans in and hugs me hard, and feeling him here with me, it reassures me more than anything else could.

We've probably been out for what seems like hours, but when I pulled away, and looked at my phone, it's only been 36 minutes. Brandon looks at the time too, and just sighs, smiling at me.

Brandon: "I gotta go. See you tomorrow Nikki. I love you."

He slowly parts away from me and walks away, and I watch him until he leaves my sight. I sigh and walk back inside the house.

The first person to greet me is Brianna. She's seven now, but she's still Brianna. She's smiling up at me, and her mischievous grin makes me nervous.

Nikki: "Um...hi."

Brianna: "Nikki's got a boyfriend~~~"

I blush, and she repeats this phrase over and over again in a sing-song voice, and she circles around me.

Brianna: "Nikki's got a boyfriend~~~Nikki's got a boyfriend~~~Nikki's got a boyfriend~~~"

I quickly become annoyed and begin walking to my room, but Brianna follows me, still singing.

Finally, I just sigh.


I sit down on my bed listening to the endless torture because I couldn't shut my door quickly enough. Fifteen minutes later, she stops and I can actually live.

She sits on my bed beside me. I lay down with my head in a pillow, and she removes the pillow from my face.

Brianna: "Want to see a Sugar Plum movie with me?"

I sigh and give in. It's better than risking her giving me an endless amount of torture. Even if the princess sounds like a chipmunk. I shrug.

Nikki: "Why not?"

Brianna smiles and pulls me to the family room, and I brace myself for a seemingly forever-lasting movie.

The Beginning of Something More (SECOND BOOK)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora