After the Fact

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Brandon's Point of View

We must of been there for at least an hour or more, whispering to each other, smiling, laughing, and kissing. It's like every teen romance flick come to life. The thought makes me smile.

Nikki gets up from the bed, and I sit up on it. She looks at me, smiles, and pulls me up. I laugh. She's stronger than I thought.

Brandon: "I didn't know my girlfriend was such a strong girl. Who knew you could get me up so easily."

She rolls her eyes but laughs softly anyways. Even after all this time, she still gets to me.

She walks past me and grabs her phone beside the bed. She looks at it for a moment before looking up at me.

Nikki: "I think we still have an hour or so. Got time? We could watch a movie on my DVD player."

Brandon: "I think I have time. What should we watch?"

Nikki stops and seems to think for a moment. Suddenly, she lights up.

Nikki: "How about Lady and The Tramp? It's been forever since we've watched it."

I smile. I know she loves that movie, so I just shrug and agree. She pouts because of my nonchalant reaction, and I just chuckle at her.

Brandon: "Can I be the Tramp too?"

I pretend to be a dog and lift my hands up like paws. She looks at me and laughs. In between laughs, she speaks.

Nikki: "Only if you let me be the Lady."

She grabs my hand, or paw, I guess, and runs down to the living room, sits me down, and gets the DVD as I sit down on the couch.

She puts in the DVD and looks for the remote to change the setting to video. She finds the remote and flops down on the couch next to me.

She starts the movie, but let's the previews go on instead of skipping them. She pulls me up for what seems like the thousandth time, and brings me into the kitchen.

Nikki: "Will you grab a popcorn packet from the top cabinet to your left? I want to go get some candy too."

She leaves to go what I assume is the larger food closet/pantry and I search for the popcorn packets.

It takes me awhile, but I find them in the corner and take out two.

I hear her coming back, and in her hand she's holding M&Ms and two packs of gummies.

She sets them on the counter and takes the popcorn packets from my hands and inserts one of them in the microwave.

Nikki: "Can you go get a bowl from the lower right pantry?"

I nod and reach for the pantry. I grab a big bowl for us to share.

I grab the candy and the bowl and head to the living room and place it on the coffee table. I hear Nikki shuffling in the kitchen.

I walk in and I watch as Nikki grabs the popcorn not-so-carefully.


She burns herself, and I can't help but chuckle. She turns to me, and she pouts at me. Finally she just rolls her eyes and rubs her finger.

I smile and walk up to her. I grab her hand and look at it, and she blushes. I turn to the sink and grab a napkin from the side of it. I wet the napkin a little.

I place it on her finger for a little while, and it seems to cool it down.

She smiles softly at me, and whispers a thank you.

I just shake my head and pull her to the living room, grabbing the popcorn bags carefully on my way out. I sit Nikki on the couch and open the bags and pour them in the bowl.

Nikki grabs the remote and rewinds a little so we are at the beginning of the movie.

She sits next to and after a little while she leans her head on my shoulder.

Brandon: "You're heavy,"

Nikki: "Be quiet and be a pillow."

I laugh and watch the movie, my hand resting on hers.

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