after dark | c!Dream

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before prison:) gender neutral reader, slight gore warning

Here you were again, after all these years. Sword duelling with Dream.

Of course, as children it had been one of your favourite things, but that was when the pair of you were on better terms.

Nowadays, the two of you aren't really on the best terms to put it simply, you were with Lmanburg rather than DreamSMP.

Your swords clashed together, you carried a simple netherite sword, nothing too fancy. Dream, like you, wielded a netherite sword, yet his had intricate carvings and lightish blue gems embedded.

Both had a purple shine to them, but his was by far the nicer looking one, not that that mattered in practice, but it would be nice to have a pretty sword.

You snapped out of your thoughts, putting all your focus onto the fight, it wouldn't end well otherwise.

Finally, you landed a decent hit on Dream, but the smug smirk was soon knocked off of your face as you were pushed down to the ground in one swift hit.

A gentle chuckle was heard, my god was his laugh scary.

"Not so tough now, are we?"

You stayed silent, you weren't one to admit that you weren't all that strong in comparison to a lot of people, you had skill, but you weren't strong by any means when compared to a lot of the other people that you knew.

"Cat got your tongue?"

"Shut up, Dream."

"Oh my god, you talk!"

It's better not to say anything here, deciding that whilst he was so focused on teasing you, you could step up.

So you did. You jumped up, and made your attack, pushing him back a few steps, but he had a pretty quick reaction time, so there wasn't a lot you could do.

It was standard fighting for a while, before you were slowly but surely pushed to the back of a wall, breathing heavily.

You felt the blade pressed against your neck, as you looked up into the emotionless eyes of that stupid smiley mask that always covered his face.

"Now, Y/N, tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now.."

"Uh." You weren't too sure why he shouldn't... there wasn't really any reason that you could give.

On the bright side, if you were to lose a life right now, at least it would have been a nice sword that had killed you.


You shook your head the best you could without more or less slicing your neck.

The blade slowly lifted from your throat, leaving you to gasp for air, the rush of cold air shocking your lungs momentarily, before feeling slightly chapped lips press against yours.

What exactly was happening right now?

Was he kissing you...?

You didn't think twice before kissing him back, you wouldn't admit it, but you maaaaay have thought about this once or twice in your life.

Pulling back for air, you looked up at him, the smile mask completely off. This was probably the first time you had seen him without it in about 4 years... you think anyways.

Those familiar green eyes, they weren't special in any form, but they were recognizable to you.

Before you fully managed to catch your breath, you were pulled in again, his hands ghosting over your waist.

Your hands found their way into his hair and the kiss lasted for what felt like forever, before he pulled away from you, a smug smile on his face.

"I'll let you live, this time, you might not be so lucky next time though." The blonde ruffled his hair, before pulling the mask back on and putting his sword away.

As he walked away, you were left in shock at what the fuck just happened. You were kind of just stood there, dumbfounded for a moment or two, before you slowly treaded away, keeping your sword out as it was getting darker.

Your cabin came into view eventually, the gentle orange glow emanating from your window making you smile, climbing the stairs up, and the door slamming shut behind you.

Too tired to actually cook anything, you fed your dog and grabbed some snacks and started your fireplace up, settling on the sofa and desperately looking for something to distract you from thinking about what had happened today.

A small part of you secretly hoped that there would be a next time to this.

im sorry if this was short, writing is a lot more difficult now that I'm on mobile, but im trying and I'm just glad to be back, I'll probably write a vilbur chapter next!

make sure to drink some water, and grab a small snack ! take care <3

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