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"Wann! Wann!"

Baby's cries could be heard throughout the mansion.

"Bring another towel! Hurry up!"

"Yes, right away!"

Maids are running in and out of the room. Meanwhile, standing with the crying baby in his arms, is a bulky and tall man who is looking at the woman who just gave birth with a wry smile:

"Thank you, dear, our baby is so beautiful."

The village chief of Tatradum, William KOERSOMBRE, spoke to his wife, Rebecca KOERSOMBRE.

Sweating all over and still heavily breathing, she could only return a distorted smile to him with her eyes mid opened. Her silky brown hair was dispersed on the pillow of the bed. Her light brown skin was somewhat glowing because of the sweat, emphasizing her beautiful red eyes as well as her small nose and cherry-like lips. A white wet cloth was covering her slender neck. The bedsheet was covering her body, and only her arms could be seen.

William is a big man, strong arms, tall, white skin, a somehow squared and scary face, blue eyes, silver hair, and slightly bigger ears than average. Looking at the baby, he said with a lovely voice that you wouldn't think of hearing seeing such a scary looking man:

"Welcome to this world, my boy, KEVIN KOERSOMBRE."

The child wrapped in a white towel had already stopped crying and was now breathing slowly. The little silver hair that he had on his head were still a little wet, and his light brown skin looked so delicate. Truly a newborn baby.

"May I take the young master for now?"

Behind William, a stern and calm voice resounds, a maid, Tatiana FLOLERL, asks with a gentle smile.

Her black hair tied beautifully behind her head with the shape of a cross, her neck was completely exposed, and a burn scar could be seen on its rear side. Her dark blue eyes and white skin give her a dignified and fierce look, like a Valkyrie. Her curves are, however, not so great to be spoken of. Although she is not very curvy, she does not lack either—all of those covered by a blue and white maid outfit.

Giving the baby to Tatiana, William looks at his wife once again, with her eyes now fully closed, she was breathing normally and her face had been wiped, giving her a very peaceful look.

"I swear on this day that I will make you two happy. May MEETIA protects us."

While saying so, he kisses a pendant shaped like a bow with three gemstones placed on the center and the corners and an eye above the center gemstone—the symbol of the goddess MEETIA.


SHCAMERIN is divided into eight kingdoms: SYLDAVIE, NIVANEILM, FLORAS, TITANIUM, YRIS, WENDALHM, SACOXS, and IOLL. Among those eight, Nivaneilm, Wendalhm, and Yris are the most developed and prosper. Syldavie could be considered a strong kingdom due to the strong influence of the church of MEETIA.

In the far east of Syldavie, Tatradum is a vast village. But, It lacks big cemented houses, so people tend to view it as the countryside. The major activity here is farming and breeding. It is directly located on the border with the Nivaneilm kingdom. William is a very passionate and hardworking man. Even though he is a village chief, he is going every day to the fields to help the other villagers. Retired warrior, William KOERSOMBRE was a captain of a squad in Syldavie's army. Rebecca herself was a proficient mix type fighter as she could use both physical and elemental attributes of ANGAS.



Four years later, in the Koersombre mansion.

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