The bomb

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I waked up hearing the birds sound and the people talking no one knows who I am but that's good because if they did know I would need to kill them I wrote in my scrappy old diary. Sokovia looked rly old these days since avengers destroyed it to save the people living there Nadia(you) goes up from her bed and makes some coffee then goes to the balcony and look at the innocent people that are left. Then she thinks about Wanda and her face as thanos blasted her to dead and that Nadia couldn't do anything but neither did the avengers. Nadia(you) sits back in her chair and then uses her super hearing to listen abt what the avengers are doing. She had did that since she faked her dead so she wouldn't feel so alone all the time. Then she hears it the ticking bomb that is about to explode she quickly throws the coffee away and she flies away so fast that the coffee didn't even have the time to land.

2 hours earlier
Avengers campus: Natasha: what should we do? The bomb will take out 70% of the human race! steve: we can always ask Nadia for help.... oh wait we can't bc her and Wanda are dead because of u tony! Tony: really you're still on that it wasn't my fault I ju.. Steve: u just what?! We had a chance to save them! Tony: No, they understood that we had to sacrifice Wanda, Nadia was just in the way and got killed with her it was that or all of us would have died. Natasha: stop fighting bc now all of us ARE going to die unless we do something. Steve: yes! But what we have no plan Thor's away with Loki on doing god knows what, Clint is with his family, vision is dead so as Wanda, Hulk is missing and carol is away helping skrulls fighting a war. Tony: okay okay we get you're point. Maybe I can try some of my tec to disarm it? Natasha: yes okay do that but we need to find it first? Steve: already did I started the computers and found a lot of radioactive stuff showing up. Tony: see that wasn't so hard, sugit up bus up in 10.

At the bomb location: They start with clearing the place out and moving all the persons to another city with help off shield. Tony: Okay lets see I think all I need to do is turn it of with this wire. (Tony takes a robot and makes it use a small laser bit to cut the wire off) So that's should do it it's done! Steve: that was way to easily are u sure? Tony: rlly cmon trust me for once it's always that easy when I do it. Natasha: show off. They start to walk away when as suddenly they hear a piping sound from the bomb they turn around and Nat and Steve look at Steve then walks closer and see that a times shows 00:10 Natasha scream BOMB RUN! They run as fast as they can. But as soon as the bomb is about the explode they can see a green light behind them thinking it's the bomb but they are still alive so they stop running and turn around there she stands with her hands pointing at the bomb Nadia( you ) has put up a big force field around the blast keeping it together the others can't see that it's u but the green powers makes them understand it enough u turn ur face around and look at them. They look happy kinda of but them Natasha scream: The Bomb fly it up to space quick!!!! so you take a deep breath than fly up to the sky with the bomb that's starting to get bigger inside. You get up to space and then takes the force field down so the bomb explodes it's so visual from the surface the whole sky turns red and u can see something falling down from the Skye. Tony flys up and catch u you are unconscious.

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