So it begins

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He walked Sara with the baton, again and again. She had bruises on her abs, and legs.

"So Sara, you ready to admit your problem?" He asked

"I don't know what your talking about!" She screamed

"Then I guess this torture needs to be brought up a notch." He Said as he grabbed a sword and un sheathed it

He ripped her shirt off, so she was just in her cargo pants and bra, and started slicing he stomach but not stabbing her so she wouldn't bleed out, then he took the sword and hit her with the bit of the hilt on he thigh

"Ms. Lance, do you want to talk now?" He asked only for her to spit on him

"Guess not." He said as he punched her in the mouth, causing it to bleed.

Soon he took out the sword and sliced her legs on the sides, causing her to scream in agony

The he took her off her chains and and took her by the hair and dumped her head in the water.

"2 minutes Ms. Lance, not bad, longer than Oliver."

"Go to hell!" She yelled just for him to knee her in the chest, and she yelled in pain. Soon he picked her up and put her back in her chains. He then ripped what was left of her pants off leaving her in her underwear and bra.

Then, out of another room, he pulled out Ava Sharpe, aka Sara's girlfriend

"Ava!? Chase if you hurt her..." just for chase to snap her neck, leaving Sara to cry


So, I killed Ava, but I need Sara to suffer in this story, and what better way than killing her girlfriend. Or did I?

"Aww poor Sara Lance." He taunted

"What Do You want from me!!!!" She screeched

"For you to admit what you have known all along." He said

"I don't know what you want from me!!"

"Very well"

So he punched her in the face multiple times, causing her to spit up blood.

"That's all you got?" She asked

"No, it's not."

He responded as he grabbed his bow and shot her in the shoulder, and then yanked out the arrow, until she passed out, just hanging in her underwear.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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