Stabbed With Pain

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The pain in her ribs was torturing her mind. She could taste the faint mixture of blood and wine on her lips. Her fingers were stiffer than any sticks you could break. Her eyes half-lidded as her eyes slowly closed. Her body hit the floor, she laid there half-conscious slowly emptying herself of her blood.

Was this it? Was she about to die in a smelly dark alley from sore losers that lost a gamble and decided to stab her to death? She hated the mafia, even if she kept gambling against them. The laugh she would get at the face they made when they realized they lost was priceless. They were also so easy to read, they were there for the money, so was she, but her motivation was better than theirs, that's why she won. There was also the time she played a game of Russian Roulette and was one of the three survivors. Three survivors out of sixty-five.

Even if her life was in danger, it helped her realize she wasn't useless. She was teaching criminals a harder lesson, not even the police could teach. If you have no money, you are nothing. That's the society we live in. To make money you have to have a job but to have a job you need money. If you were ripped from your riches, your life could quickly crumble and you would end up with absolutely nothing.

The memories of many gambles and gamblers she had faced rushed to her, was this the stereotypical "having your life flashed before your eyes" type of scenario. She must be close to death if that is.


She wasn't ready to die...

No, she couldn't die...

She couldn't give up on her wife...

What would she think, even if they had just argued she cared... She loved her more than anything and she knew the detective loved her dearly too, but what would she think.

Tears flooded her face, her mind too weak to hold them in. She didn't want her last memory of Kyoko of them fighting... she had to do something.

She weakly reached for her phone and pressed the emergency button... those idiots forgot she still had her phone, fools. The only word she could say was the name of her wife, the police dispatcher seem to have hesitated to waste officers and an ambulance, but still did when she heard nothing after the name was pronounced.

Celeste wondered if they would arrive in time, she could barely hear her surroundings at this point, just a ringing. Was there a gun involved in the fight, she couldn't remember. Her breath became uneven, she knew time was running out as she was clinging onto consciousness.

Soon she saw blue and red flashing lights, she sighed relieved. She closed her eyes and opened them when a light bright was pointed in her face, she could hear the panic and chaos. Her surroundings became blurry.

The only clear things were the things said in the fight.


"I'm worried Celeste, every night you come back with bruises and scratches... gambling is not safe. I can't watch you leave every night thinking that one evening I'm going to get a call telling me you got attacked... I can't do this, I love you Celeste, but gambling isn't safe... I don't want to lose you."

"Well, if you can't do this just leave! It's the only thing that makes me feel useful in my godamn life and you want to take it away!"

Celeste in a fit of rage slammed the door and left the house.


A single tear dropped on her cheek as she thought of her lover... The tears, her persona... everything was gone the only thing she had left was... nothing... she pushed away the person that had cared the most...

As Celeste's thoughts spiralled, a worried Kyoko made her way through the chaos to see Celeste being brought into an ambulance, she was still conscious... but she seemed like she was barely there... she had lost a lot of blood apparently. She jumped in the ambulance, and held onto her wife's hand pressing it against her forehead...

She saw the eyes of her lover closed, uncertain if they would ever open again...

A/N: I wanted to write but had no idea what to write so um yeah here's an angsty Oneshot.

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