Stabbed With Love

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Celeste was still unconscious, even after two weeks in a coma.... Kyoko had lost all hope that her lover would wake up. With dark circles under her eyes, she looked at her wife. She just needed her to wake up so she could apologize... she didn't want Celeste to die thinking she wanted to take away what she loved the most... she was just looking out for her...

For the third time today, Kyoko left the hospital room and went to grab some low-quality coffee from one of the distributors. She couldn't sleep... not without her. As she sat down in the hallway, her boiling coffee in her left hand, the heat slowly slipping in her glove, she let herself remember the joyful moments.

One of her favourite memories was for their first anniversary, Kyoko had been busy and could only by red roses to her lover, she was sad she couldn't have done more, but Celeste told her that flowers were perfect and that she remembered... that was more important than any gifts. Celeste then dragged her into an expensive restaurant, she even had bought a dress for Kyoko. She would have never bought something like this, but her wife knew she would still love it. As they finished eating dinner, Celeste once more dragged Kyoko, although this time she put a blindfold on Kyoko's eyes. She led her somewhere and when she removed it, the sight of a small garden with fairy lights all around was there. There was also a bench in the middle of the scene, Kyoko admired her eyes wide open and a small smile appeared on her face. "Enjoying the view my Darling." Kyoko was completely at a loss for words and so she nodded. Celestia chuckled and held Kyoko's hand leading her to the bench. They both sat there admiring their surroundings, cuddling each other. This was the best night of their lives, they would never forget it.

There also that time when Kyoko passed out at work from overworking, Celeste took three days off to take care of her and making sure she would rest... This lead to Celestia falling asleep on Kyoko, while she looked down at the gambler smiling. What had she done to deserve all this...

Celeste, her love, her other half, the person that makes her happy, was balancing between life and death. If only she had been there earlier... if only she would have made sure she was okay.

After another day of waiting, Kyoko went back home. She felt no motivation to change or do anything. Fortunately, she was given time off from work, but now she had nothing to distract herself with... the only thing she was her thoughts. She went through their shared closet and grabbed one of Celeste's jackets putting it on, she sat on the gambler's side of the bed. She let her smell invade her nostrils, the smell of expensive perfume reminds her of everything. Too tired to do anything, she sobbed quietly eventually making her fall asleep.

This was her routine for the past two weeks, as she sat down again beside her bed, holding her lover's hand, pressing it against her forehead, she hoped today was the day she would wake up. Still exhausted from the previous night, she fell asleep holding her hand on her face.

She dreamt of many things... all of them being related to Celeste... She woke up in a panic, hoping her lover would be there holding her, instead she got a pair of red eyes looking down at her. A small smirk appeared on her face, "Kyoko Dear, you look like you haven't slept in days."

Kyoko completely forgot about her façade for a moment and hugged Celeste, being careful of the IVs, Celeste laughed quietly, "I'm not going anywhere, this won't be the last of me, Darling."

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