Lost Forever

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In loud, joyous voices, the vampires were singing an ancient initiation song in Romanian, happy smiles on their faces.

When all of a sudden, RATATATATA! An EXPLOSION OF GUNFIRE tore through the glass windows.

Shards of glass sprayed into the room. Bullets whizzed through the air. Blue flashes from the hunter's guns lit the darkness outside.

In a flash, the happy song ended and the room was filled with piercing screams.

Bullets tore into vampires. Dozens fell dead at once, dropping off their chairs like dead bats, falling facedown into their food or crashing onto the floor on their backs. Others were hit and collapsed, screaming their heads off, the poison bullets sizzling their flesh and turning their blood into burning hot acid, filling every vein and part of their bodies with unearthly pain. 

Their blood instantly turned black and bubbled out of their wounds, filling the air with a sickly stench of rotten flesh and sour acid.

The storm of bullets ripped through the room, shattering cups and plates on the table, blasting through furniture, extinguishing candles, shattering the chandelier over the table, smashing mirrors on the walls, and peppering the walls with smoking holes.

The cat yowled and fled under the couch.

Panic. Terror. Screams. "It's them! They've found us!" a vampire woman screamed in terror.
"We're doomed!" "The Devil save us!"

"Run! To the roof!" Yelled Bloodomir. Vampires grabbed their children and dashed in a blind panic for the hallway door stumbling and bumping into each other.

The hunters fired wildly at them. With shrill screams of agony, a dozen vampires fell dying, before reaching the door. The other survivors fled out the door into the hallway, pushing, nearly falling over each other, fleeing frantically up the stairs. Sobbing, crying, terrified. 

In the dining room, an old vampire slowly turned around himself, gasping and making gurgling sounds, as his blood turned black and bubbled out of bullet holes. As he staggered around himself, more bullets ripped through him, and more black blood burst out of holes all over his body. He choked, black blood bubbling and gushing out between his teeth. He shuddered wildly, and then collapsed down dead on the carpet, the blood from his open mouth pouring down the side of his face and staining the carpet. Beside him, a dead vampire child lay on its back in a pretty red dress with white lace, staring with glassy eyes at the ceiling, her blonde hair fanned out around her.

Devoura, eyes wild with fear, snatched up Bloodella and clung to her desperately while she searched frantically for her second missing daughter. Bullets blasted the table to her right, spraying the air with shattered glass and bits of flesh from the plates. Bloodomir yanked the table cloth and all the candles crashed onto the floor, instantly going out and plunging the room into darkness. 

He grabbed his wife and pulled her down behind the table. "Get down!" he hissed.

"Vampella!" She gasped trembling, "Where is she? Where is my baby?" Her eyes were crazed with fear. She looked around. "I must find her!" Bloodomir clamped his hand over his wife's mouth. Groans came from a dying vampire, then stopped. The room was silent.

The bullets stopped for a moment as the hunters reloaded.  "Shh!" Bloodomir hissed to his wife. Her chest heaved with fast, terrified breaths. 

Glass crunched beneath heavy boots as the hunters slowly entered the room. Their glowing blue flashlights searched the room. 

"We must go NOW!" hissed Bloodomir and grabbed his wife's arm, yanking her to her feet.

"NO!" she shrieked, trying to pull away from him. "My baby! Vampella! I must find her!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2021 ⏰

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