An Unhealthy Addiction

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It began with a perfect, still darkness. Then slowly the darkness cleared revealing thick fog.
No, not fog, clouds. Cold, wispy clouds were blowing past her - or was she flying through them?

A shrill, wailing wind whipped around her, tearing at her hair and whistling in her ears. A strange heavy THWAT THWAT sounded, as though a huge bird were flapping its wings.

She tried to turn her head to look at what was causing the sound but the moment she did the darkness came racing back and engulfed her. She felt dizzy, spinning, falling.

DARKNESS. A deep, quiet darkness once again swallowed her up.

She was falling through space. Her belly felt like it was in her throat. Like when you descend really fast in an elevator. AT times it felt like she was spinning, turning, falling head over heels. Which direction was she falling? In this pure silent black, there was no up or down, no direction. Just endless black. It felt both suffocating and calming at the same time.

Her heartbeat and breathing the only sound, as though everything else had died.

Then just as suddenly there was a bright red light. A shiny red surface dancing above her head. She felt herself burst through warm water. Wicked laughter broke the perfect silence.

Vivi burst through the surface and found herself naked, in an ancient white tub. The vintage type, that rich people used to have a hundred or more years ago. The kind that stands on little dainty legs, has no plug, and needs to be filled with buckets of hot water.
Just that this bath, this shiny, classy old bath, wasn't filled with water... it was filled with blood!

Candles danced and quivered around the bath lighting the gothic room in a warm devilish glow.
The room looked like something from an ancient mansion, Baroque style, with heavy dark furniture, black velvet armchairs with golden legs, black velvet curtains with golden tassels, and golden chandeliers and candelabras.

Vivi realized the laughter was her own. She was alone in the room, just her and the grotesque, dark demonic sculpture glaring at her from the wall.

She stroked her pale skin, covering it in traces of warm red blood. Her hand traveled up her legs, then across her breast and up her neck. She shuddered in pleasure, her eyes gleaming. The smell of blood excited her. She slid her hands down across her stomach and along her inner thighs.

Small, gory looking black demons made of metal stood around with incense sticks poking out of their heads, releasing swirling smoke into the room. The incense made her head feel light and dizzy. It smelled sweet and musty, like pine needles and dried berries in an autumn forest.

Vivi licked her fingers. The blood was sweet and heavenly. More addicting than wine. She half-submerged her face in the bath and greedily slurped away, drinking it up.

From another room, someone began to play a merry, fast tune on an accordion. She smiled happily, swaying to the music. Although Vivi couldn't remember ever having heard that tune before, it felt familiar to her. She even hummed along to it.

Everything felt familiar, from the room to the evening routine of washing herself in the blood, sponging herself with it and washing her hair in it.

She cupped her hands and poured blood over her head. As it ran down her face, she stuck out her tongue and caught some in her mouth. She giggled.

A muffled voice called out something in Italian from another room. She strained her ears, trying to pick up the words but couldn't quite make it out. Something about "hunting" "my beloved" "little one" and "dinner".

Her belly growled. "Dinner time" she muttered to herself. Instinctively, she reached into the tub and felt her way along the bottom. The porcelain was smooth and slippery. Her fingers glided along the surface until they encountered something soft and fleshy. It felt like skin, like a limb but it wasn't hers. Her nails closed around it.

Dripping blood, Vivi raised a...

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