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When things alright and you just know, there is something in your eyes that brings me home.

Kuguri and Shibayama were standing in the living room, with all of the furniture moved to make room for them. The song was playing and they danced in the living room of their shared apartment.

Cause when there's love, you don't let go.
So long as you're with me you're not alone, you'll never be.

Kuguri put a hand around Shibayama's waist and his other hand met Shibayama's hand. Shibayama's free hand went around Kuguri's neck and they started to sway from side to side, in their own little world.

I wanna tell you how I feel and really mean it. I wanna south off from the rooftops to the sky. Cause if you ever need a friend you know I'll be it.

From tonight until we see the end of time.

Shibayama is enveloped in Kuguri's scent and wearing his sweater. While Kuguri wore his simple sweat pants and loose top that hid his muscles.

I'll cross my heart and hope to die.
We're always and forever I'll be by your side.
When days are dark and stars don't align.
We're always and forever 'til the end, the end of time

Their swaying picked up a little speed and they twirled while looking into each other's eyes. Focusing on the other person and them only.

When we look back and when we're old.
We'll see your footprints next to mine along the road.

Memories of the nights when they were too
Far apart to be constantly together but too close to require a long train ride.

And I don't know what the future holds, but as long as you're with me.
You're not alone, you'll never be.

The memories of Shibayama's insecurities and panic attacks flood back. How he would constantly think he wasn't enough, but Kuguri was always there to bring him back and build him back up.

Their movements were steady and even, with the occasional apology from Shibayama when he stepped on the other foot.

I wanna tell you what I feel and really mean it.
I wanna shout it from the rooftops to the sky.
'Cause if you ever need a friend.
You know I'll be it.
From tonight until we see the end of time.

The memories of how they would keep their relationship a secret until they got too tired to do in their third year. How they told their old senpai and their reactions of shock not only to them dating but to them not being able to trust their senpai. The senpai were fine with it luckily.

Their movements got quicker and fast, moving all throughout the living room.

I'll cross my heart and hope to die.
We're always and forever I'll be by your side.
When days are dark and stars don't align.
We're always and forever 'til the end, the end of time.

The memories of the amount of excitement they felt as they found an apartment for the two of them.

At this point Kuguri and Shibayama started to spin as Kuguri held the other up from under his waist. They were laughing and giggling as Kuguri almost fell.

Put your hands to the sky.
Always and forever by our side.
Always and forever 'til the end of time.

The memories of coming out to their parents and the fear they felt. How they were only mad for not telling them they were dating, not caring about the fact they were gay.

Kuguri set Shibayama down and they went back to dancing, quicker and quicker as they got worked up. Their dancing slowed down as the song came to an end.

I'll cross my heart and hope to die.
We're always and forever I'll be by your side.
When days are dark and stars don't align.
We're always and forever 'til the end, the end of time.

They stopped moving and stood there, with foreheads pressed together and panting. They leaned in and kissed each other, not breaking the kiss and Shibayama used his arm to keep Kuguri's head still. Although he kept the kiss a little messy, for Kuguri.

They parted and a string of saliva connected their tongues together, they were close enough that the string didn't break yet. When it did it landed on Shibayama's chin, joining the drool and saliva from the kiss.

Kuguri lifted his hand from Shibayama's waist to the back of his head. He pressed their tongues together. The tips of their tongues met and Shibayama started to suck lightly on Kuguri's.

The kiss picked up pace until Kuguri finally picked up Shibayama and carried him to their shared bedroom. He took off his shirt and his sweater off of Shibayama.


"N-Nao Nao!! S-Slow d-d-down-n p-pl-please A-AHH!!!"

Kuguri slowed down his brutal pace, but sat with his back straight and his legs crossed. He sat Shibayama's limp and weak body on him. Kuguri's chest to Shibayama's back.

He moved them both so that they were in front a full body mirror on the floor. Still in the same position, with Shibayama's back to Kuguri's chest.

Kuguri spread Shibayama's knees so that they were behind his own. He let his hands play with the smaller's buds and he littered his neck with hickies. He shifted so one hand was on the other's neck and squeezed a little.

Shibayama was too out of it to register anything other than the intense pleasure he was feeling, and how close it bordered into pain. His head just reached Kuguri's shoulder so that's where it rested.

Kuguri admired the beautiful view of his boyfriend as he finally sunk Shibayama down. There wasn't anything Shibayama could do, he was too weak so Kuguri controlled the thrusts and their depth.

The problem, Kuguri loved to go deep, and hard. He liked to send Shibayama into overstimulation, liked to watch him squirm and beg and plead over and over.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!!" Shibayama screamed as Kuguri went deeper than before.

Kuguri quickly moved the hand from Shibayama's nipple to three fingers inside his mouth, pressing flat on his tongue.

Shibayama started to heavily drool and gag as the fingers pushed deeper.

For the last straw before Shibayama passed out was Kuguri moving the hand from his throat down his chest towards his hole. He stopped moving.

"Aghhh" Though he purposely stopped, very deep inside Shibayama.

Kuguri's fingers circled the rim and he pushed one in, stretching Shibayama's hole even further.

Kuguri got to the second finger before Shibayama screamed, although it was muffled and broken because he gagged in between it on the three fingers in his mouth.

"AAaaaaa-*gag*- aaaahhhhh!!!"

Shibayama came dry and Kuguri sunk Shibayama all the way down before he came inside, hard.

Shibayama passed out.


Shibayama woke up to Kuguri staring at him.

Shibayama tried to move his arm but everything was too weak.

"You went to hard on and in me." Shibayama said, smiling a little but also a little annoyed.

Kuguri laid a hand on Shibayama's naked back and pulled him to his chest.

Shibayama laid his head on Kuguri's pec and Kuguri had an arm around his entire back.

"I love you, Nao." Shibayama said blushing.

"I love you too Yuuki."

Kuguri wrapped his arms around Shibayama and started spooning him.

Always and forever til the end, the end of time.

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