True friend

28 6 16

I wanted to live in a pure liberty
But I got stuck when reached puberty.

I've always been in a complete solitude.
But they tagged it like I got an attitude.

Every time they told me that I'm naïve.
Always I've been greeted by negative vibe.

They infected my mind by self-hatred.
Still now I've been always betrayed.

Sometimes I wonder, what have I done wrong?
'You're worthless' plays like a looping song.

Now I have gained a lots of fem.
They crawled back to me to use my name!

Stabbing my back they never took me as friend.
They gradually pushed me towards dead end.

I took the courage to end this whole.
Ending the life was my one and only goal.

Was about to do this for once and for all.
Suddenly I recalled the supreme soul.

He has made me for a good reason
Why should I get trapped in my own prison?

I started to live life once again.
Confidence which was lost, I started to regain.

He taught me to accept who I am.
To let go and forget all of them.

Now I love me and never look down.
He wiped off all my reasons to frown.

He showed me that how true friend should be.
Forever and willingly he is now bound to me.

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