27 5 25

After a long lost battle.
Now everything has been settled

I was the warrior of COVID.
The color of death was so vivid.

15 days has been past.
Hoping to see them at last.

But they are nowhere to be seen.
My hopeful eyes still linger on the door screen.

I harvested them with own blood and flesh
In their life, I wonder, where's my place?

I have been looking after for 60 long years.
Now what I'm left with? only eyes full of tears!!!

They came to check on me for once.
That's when I caught his last glance.

He is my grandson, one and only .
Without him around, I feel Kind of lonely.

He hopped towards me as usual.
But was snatched by his mom, who got frightened with the visual.

15 long days, and now I'm steady
I'm sitting besides my lifeless body.

Nurse called them to take my body back.
They only replied "What the hack?

We're not talking her, do whatever you want."
I smirked at her look. She was stunned.

I travelled to the morgue, they placed me on a stand.
Someone started to remove the bangles from my hand!!!

I shouted, "Hey stop!! What are you doing?
That's for my daughter, my princess, my little being!" 

They couldn't hear me but I heard them,
They are whispering, "What a shame!  

This daughter never come to see her mom, not once.
But getting her possessions, she can't miss the chance."

This is what I brewed, with my own flesh and blood!!
But those who are holding me now are drenched in emotional flood!!

These people are tackling my lifeless body with so much tender love,
I could only bless them after swallowing my threatening sob.

Oh my holy angels why didn't I  hold you in my womb?
Then I  could at least expect a visitor at my abundant tomb?


Special thanks to my idea warehouse Visionr07. So my luv here the chapter is dedicated to you. Wish you a very healthy and long life with full of yours fulfilled dreams.

I was once bumped into a random video that was in my native language and that was the theme where a spirit of an old woman was telling her story. And I took that topic and here is the result. Lemme me know how do you feel?

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