Chapter Fourteen

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Evelyn's P.O.V.

Despite being multiple stories high, the early morning New York traffic and piercing summer sun filtered into my hotel room, awaking me from my sleep. The clock on the wall told me that it was only 7:35am.

I lay there for a moment, recalling the previous night and biting down on my lip. Though I was facing the other way, wrapped snugly in the sheets of my hotel room's California King, I knew that my childhood sweetheart lay just across from me. The same childhood sweetheart that had wooed me last night, made me feel so great, who conversed with me, and laughed with me over dinner until we almost shed tears. Dave and I truly had an amazing night last night. With a smile, I turned over.

Only to be met with an empty bed.

A frown grew across my forehead, and I swiftly left the comfort of the sheets we had shared last night. I made my way over to the bathroom, pressing my ear upon the door to hear whether or not he was showering. When I was met with complete silence, I carefully opened the door. Again I was met with emptiness.

I sighed, making my way back over to the bed. I slumped myself over it as a feeling of disappointment began to wash over me. Not only had this happened to me once before, but I had been stupid enough to let it happen again.

Dave was nowhere to be seen.

The scent of his body, that I remember so distinctly, still remained on the sheets, exacerbating my already negative headspace. What an asshole.

"You never learn, huh, Evelyn" I spoke aloud to myself.

I wallowed in my self pity for a few more moments, berating myself for agreeing to anything more than a friendly afternoon lunch with Dave. My thoughts were interrupted, though, by a knocking at the door. I chose to ignore it for a few seconds, but the knocking was incessant.

I rolled my eyes, pissed that one of my work colleagues would pass by so early - it was Saturday, we didn't have to be checked out til 11am, and I was capable of waking myself up. I wrapped a robe around my body and made my way over to the door, swinging it open.

Dave stood with a cheesy grin, his hands occupied with coffee and fresh bagels. My brows unfurrowed, and I immediately felt a sense of guilt that I ever thought badly of Dave in the past few moments.

"Breakfast?" He smiled. I nodded, offering a smile right back at him before he leaned over to peck me on the lips. "You can't do New York without a bagel, right?" He spoke cheerily, setting out our morning meal across the bed.

He kicked off his shoes and climbed back in, motioning for me to join him. I stood starring, unable to move.

"What?" He asked, noticing I was looking over at him, whilst he took a bite of his bacon, avocado and egg bagel.

"I thought you left me again." I admitted, making my way over to him. "But this.. is so sweet. I'm so surprised."

I joined him in bed again, kissing him on the cheek as thanks for my breakfast.

"Would I do that to you?" He looked over to me, a brow raised, "actually.. don't answer that." He joked.

"Exactly!" I laughed along, pouting. "You're here now, anyway."

Dave and I tucked in, sipping our coffees as we sat up together, embraced in bed. He explained that although he wanted to spend the day with me, Foo Fighters had some work to do with MTV. I decided that wasn't too bad, as I had to check out and head home for the weekend on an early afternoon flight anyway, and I'm sure Dave would have distracted me, if you know what I mean.

After breakfast, we parted ways once again. Only this time, Dave had promised that he would call. And this time, I had faith in him. I knew he would call.


[Sacramento, California. The following day]

"Happy Sunday Claudio!" I spoke excitedly to my little friend who had awoken from his slumber and joined me in the kitchen for some breakfast. I'd missed him so much after picking him up from doggy daycare when I returned to Cali.

I sat down with some pancakes drenched in maple syrup, after fetching Claudio his own food of course, readying myself for a day ahead of laundering the garments I brought on my New York work trip.

As I was tucking in, I felt my cell phone vibrate in the pocket of my silk robe.

Dave: 'u busy?'

I bit my lip, suddenly too anxious to finish the remainder of my breakfast after receiving a text from Dave. Though, considering the amount of sugar on my plate, that was probably a good thing.

Evelyn: 'nope, just eating breakfast.' I quickly typed out before hitting send.

I placed my phone back into my pocket and offered some belly rubs to Claudio whilst I attempted to build up an appetite again. But I had no chance to, because no sooner had I stopped thinking about Dave's text, my phone was vibrating again. This time, he was calling me.

In a panic, I stared at my cell phone unable to function. I worked in law.. I was used to phone calls, for God's sake!

On what was surely the final ring, I inhaled deeply and answered with a cool "hey, Dave."

"Evie! I didn't think you were gonna pick up." He laughed nervously.

"I'm sorry," I spoke, mirroring his nervous laugh, "I guess my little man Claudio was taking up too much of my time."

Dave chuckled. "Well, I promised I'd call. So here I am. How are you?"

The two of us exchanged pleasantries and reminisced a little on the morning before, especially the bagels!

"So, what are your plans today?" He asked.

"I'm doing laundry and watching reruns of Friends. This has become the peak of my Sundays, Mr. Grohl. Can you believe this is the same Evelyn that used to head bang to Motörhead?"

Dave laughed, joking along "what's stopping you from head banging to Motörhead while you do laundry?"

"You got me. Never thought of that." I smiled.

"Or," he started, "better yet.. you don't do laundry at all. You let me pick you up, and I'll take you to my place and I'll cook for the two of us."

Dave's statement had my mouth agape, pleasantly surprised by his boldness. "But.. but.." I stuttered, "you're like.. a 6 hour drive away from me. And I have work tomorrow!"

"So? Call them and tell them you're sick. You have the flu." He fake coughed down the phone and I couldn't help but laugh, shaking my head.

"Dave!" I exclaimed. "I can't do that! Besides, aren't you in New York still?"

"I'm on a flight to Cali. To Sacramento." He informed me.

"To Sacramento?!"

"Yes. To pick you up. And who said anything about a 6 hour drive? It takes about an hour and a half via airplane. Have your bags ready for 1pm. I'll have a car pick you up and take you to the airport."

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