Chapter Twenty Four

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[Four weeks later]

"Cheers, everyone!" I shouted in unison with my childhood friends, raising an egg nog to clank with their drinks.

"Just like old times, huh." Tati smiled so genuinely, throwing her arm around me. "Though, I think our taste in alcohol has matured. There's no more cheap beer or non-brand vodka here today." She laughed.

"Damn, we've all matured. Some more than others.. I'm lookin' at you, Grohl! Look at those wrinkles!" Daniel joked, earning a fit of laughter from the group.

Myself, Dave, Tati, Louise, Daniel and Brett had gathered in Louise and Daniel's home for a night of drinks, games and catching up whilst Dave and I were still in town. Our trip was ending but we still wanted to see our old friends again before we left. We were successful with catching up and drinking, but the two admittedly led to few games being played. We were too busy enjoying each other's company to even care about our prior plans for games!

Tati and I drifted off from Louise and the boys after Dave left; whilst Tati and I had broken up with our boyfriends at the time, Louise had stayed with Daniel. And seeing as though Daniel was still super close to Dave, I couldn't handle the incessant conversations about Nirvana, Dave's success or his new, epic life without me. It was all so raw and remained that way for years after he had left. It was best that we parted in the way we did.

But now, as adults, it was so nice to rekindle and relive a messy night. It was also super sweet to see that Daniel and Louise were still sickly in love with one another and now married, and that Tati and Brett could put past differences aside to laugh together about good times as teenagers. After all, things happened over a decade ago.

"As much as I'm loving you guys poking fun at my boyfriend," I interrupted the gang who were grilling Dave's current hairstyle and sideburn combo now, "I have to go pee!"

"Oh, I'll come with you!" Louise jumped up, offering her arm to help me drunkenly waddle to the bathroom.

"Me too! Grab her, Lou!" Tati joked, running over to take my other arm as the three of us stumbled to the upstairs toilet.

"Chicks just can't go the bathroom alone, huh." Daniel shook his head in confusion.

"It's girl code!" I shouted back, holding my ladies close.

"Yah!" Louise looked over her shoulder, joking "we're going to talk about you three!"

"Oh, I don't doubt it." Her husband responded, rolling his eyes at his wife.

The three of us giggled as we made it up the staircase, slamming the bathroom door shut. I was quick to dash over the toilet and relieve myself after busting for almost 10 minutes straight.

"You are a pee machine tonight, Ev!" Tati mentioned, "you must've been up here more than you've been down with us tonight."

"Right?" Louise agreed with a laugh, casually reapplying her stunning red lipstick. She joked, "are you sure you're not pregnant?"


"Yeah, that's totally a pregnancy symptom." Tati nodded, now turning to face toward me with her brow furrowed, tone serious. "Unless you pee like this all the time, of course" she shrugged.

I can't be..

"Yeah, we're all different." Louise shrugged too, continuing to reapply her makeup. "But seriously, have you had any other symptoms?"

I'd know if I was.. pregnant.. right?

I haven't missed my period.. have I?

I scrambled to grab my phone from my purse, bringing up my calendar to check today's date. December 26th. I should have gotten my period a week ago. How could I have missed this?

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