09- states

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should I shave all my hair off
feeling an urge to go bald rn

Bone Man
do it
it's just hair it'll grow back
the worst that'll happen is you'll look like a really weird lawn gnome and then I get to change your contact name to Gnomeo and make fun of you for weeks

I don't think I will
getting flashbacks to when I tried to cut my own bangs in seventh grade for picture day and it ended up looking like the freaking McDonald's arch
so when the yearbook came back I took a sharpie and scribbled out my picture in the yearbook and then got yelled at by my mom </3

Bone Man
did you know that the McDonald's arches are supposed to look like "mother McDonald's breasts"
some dude like tried to get rid of the arches but they decided to keep them because of some Freudian crap

oh my god mommy McDonald's 🤤
mommy McDonald's please nourish me 😩
gimme that mcchicken bae 🤪

Bone Man
see sometimes
thoughts like that
shouldn't be voiced.

are you telling me you WOULDNT f*** Ronald McDonald?

Bone Man
yeah that's
that's exactly what I'm telling you

imagine doing it with him and his nose just honks all of a sudden

Bone Man
I don't wish to be a part of this conversation anymore

imagine if you got married to him tho
can you imagine the benefits?
free McDonald's 4 liferssss
Idk about you but I would love to live in the playplace

Bone Man
I would NOT in fact love that
that entire place is coated in pee and vomit

Ive been worse places
my bedroom has probably been in worse states than that tbh

Bone Man
what kind of states


Bone Man
my bedroom has only been in the state of Florida

oh my god f*** you
f*** you actually

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