Chapter 52

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Asher's POV

Stepping on a grassy land, surrounded by metal rods, small concrete blocks settled on the land which had names written on it of people's beloved ones who were no longer with them, buried deep down inside the earth swollen by the soil and hidden from the lives up here. A chill ran down from my spine suddenly, making me remember the life after here. It wasn't like I didn't remember death, but I didn't remember as often I should.

I felt a squeeze on my hand and I realized I was zoning out. I looked down at Romaisa and felt a tug in my heart. I smiled at her warmly and she returned it. We were standing at a graveyard where Romaisa's parents were rested in peace. Looking around we were taking slow and heavy steps towards the destiny and allowed ourselves to be taken to where we wanted to be. Her eyes roaming around and finding her parents, were big and worried. I might have felt sad for her but I was willing to help her through every stage of life.

I mentally noted to myself to take matters in my own hand about the cops of this area and taking them to the government for the justice. How low of them to actually put a women in a jail just because she wanted the murderers of her children to be caught. It wasn't something normal for God's sake it was a matter of death.

"I think I've found them," Romaisa's voice cracked at the end, barely a whisper. I let go off her hand and let her walk on her own. I watched as she turned around to look at me a wave of emotion sweeping through her face as she held my eye. Her eyes spoke many things. It was like a vibe I felt just standing at a mere distance from her. I noticed that she was nervous so in three long strides I walked up to her and slipped a hand around her waste. I smiled when I noticed a slight change in her size or maybe it was something I was assuming, after all she was carrying our baby. She looked more and more beautiful day by day that I fell in love with her all over again and hard. That thought made me remember that I have to take her to the doctor soon after here. Taking her left hand in mine I massaged the back of her hand lightly to make her relax a bit. She looked a little hesitant when we neared the grave of her parents.

As the fact that there death date was the same made me little amused but then I remembered the tragic story behind it. Of course they would be together.

We both stood silently raised our hands and prayed for the souls which had been departed long ago, those two souls, which had sacrificed their lives for the sake of those many girls who had been victimized by the brutal act. "May Allah grant them highest place in Jannah"

I heard a whimper from my side which was soon converted into a sob and I snapped my eyes open and, instantly took Romaisa in my arms as she buried her face in my chest. I rubbed soothing circles at her back to make her stop from crying too much.

"I hope they are in a better place," I reassuringly said while I noticed cloud gathered in the sky singling it was about time we go now," we'll come back soon IN'SHA'ALLAH,"

Taking a last glance for now at her parents grave, she turned around with me and we both walked out from there with heavy steps. Gently taking her hand in one I let go off the other to open the door for her and she made herself inside the car. I closed her door before walking to my side and got it. Turning to the back seat I fiddled with the handbag which I'd bought for Romaisa to put the essentials which were now usable. Finding the bottle water I turned back and handed her the bottle. She was wiping her face with the tissue so she had put the bottle on her lap. I noticed she was fidgeting with her scarf as if she felt suffocated.

"Let it a little loose," I suggested and pulled back the head seat back so she could lay down. I patted the empty space and nodded, indicating her to relax. I let out a sigh when she got comfortable and drank her water.

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