Chapter 3

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This is a Monday if you were curious.

Pierre woke up the next morning to the usual sound of the teacher yelling at the boys to wake up.

He thought back to last night. After cutting he'd been able to fall asleep easier.

He briefly remembered that it was the teachers last day. He had got sick of them and decided to leave. He didn't blame him. So there'd be a new one, he wondered how long this one would last.

Their usual day plan was to get dressed, walk down for breakfast then they'd go out to the yard until first lesson. They had 2 lessons, then a break, then 2 lessons, then lunch, then after that was 2 more lessons. Then they'd have free time, then dinner and then they'd all wash and go to bed.

When he dressed he was careful not to let anyone see the bandages, if they did he could just lie about what was underneath them, but he'd rather not expend the effort.

They all walked downstairs to the dining hall. Because of the cutting he wasn't so anxious today and ate more which was an uncommon occurance for him. Alot of the time he was too anxious to feel hungry and thought he might throw it all back up if he ate. But today seemed like it might be a good day despite how it started in the early hours.

He went out to the yard and sat down on a bench, alone. He didn't have friends. It wasn't that the others didn't like him, they had a kind of respect for him as one of the main trouble makers. But he was quiet and he had little interest in making friends. So while they knew each other by face and name, they didn't know him.

He knew little things about them though, being silent and going largely unnoticed came in useful sometimes. He knew who had contraband, he knew who set up harmful pranks against the teachers, he even knew one of the older boys was selling drugs, but had never asked to buy from him.

He sat alone thinking until the bell for first lesson went, then he trekked up to the classroom to start the school day.

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