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The quarantine changed everything.

My room looks messier everyday, with everything, from clothes to bowls that once contained noodles, to the sugar from the packs of gummies I ate constantly, and to small books and more, and more pilling themselves on a corner.

At this point I don't even know, I don't even care, barely keeping attention to the rambling of my teachers, that comes non-stop from my computer.

Verbs, plants, nouns, cells, sports rules, numbers, cities and equations had been long forgotten.

The little stories that I can find while looking through my window, and the small drawings that keep appearing "mysteriously" on my notebooks are way more interesting.

The old lady that goes from day to day to the supermarket, the peregrine ambulance that comes and goes, occasionally stopping to take some unlucky soul to the hospital, the birds that are arriving and making their nests here, the flowers that blossom every new day, the trees that dance at the wind.

The small flowers and princesses, plus their fearless knights that wondered through the corners of my notebooks.  The anime characters that made their home in the paper.

The pencil stayed the whole time in my hand, my mind a little on edge, waiting to capture the most beautiful and remarkable moments that would happen.

And I don't regret doing this, not even a little bit, even if my grades do down.

Because while the days dragged themselves and the weeks passed by, a small pattern came to my attention. It was my favorite. Of all the things I learned and found out during this months, this is probably the only one who will stay with me the rest of my life.

It was a coincidence at first. I never meant to spy on them, but well...

Everyday, at the same time, the two figures would meet at the park.

The two dogs would bark a little at each, but they were clearly familiar with these encounters.

The couple would talk and walk a little, enjoying the sun that little by little left us for the night.

There really wasn't much I could say about them.

I was a little far from where they hung out, and they clearly knew how to hide themselves from unwanted eyes, so there was only one detail that I could find: one of them was a boy. A boy with red hair. Red hair that was dyed, for sure.
Nobody has a hair that color naturally.

No judgement though. It's still a surprise my hair remains on its natural color, and hasn't became blue. (Read: my mom won't let me).

Sometimes, I was lucky enough to hear what they said. A small clue of what was their story.

Little by little, I was able to put the pieces together.

Together. They were together.

Yeah, I know that's obvious, I know(!!!), but what I mean is that they were together, but just like Romeo and Juliet, they shouldn't.

For some goddamn reason, they weren't supposed to be together.

And that goddamned reason was their family.

I guess families really suck.

This was the thoughts that raced through my head, at light speed, my fingers playing with my hair, braiding it unconsciously, and watching while they leaned, their lips touching with a calm and peace I had never seen before.

With more love than ever.


The ice cream was melting, filling my hand with the sticky product, but I couldn't pay attention to that. I also couldn't pay attention to the burning feeling of the sun on my back, or the hot wind that floated through the city.

I was to focused on the three figures that quickly passed in front of me.

Three friends, that walked and entered the train station, their hands filled with bags and the dogs on their arms.

I knew them.

At least I knew that bright red hair, that feel right into his eyes.

After all, I had spent months watching him meeting his lover on the park.

My little story had came to a end.

With a friend, or maybe a sibling, they were running away.

I never saw them again.

My goodbye was that little moment when me and the boy surprisingly locked our eyes. A matter of seconds.

I couldn't say how I know them, at least I know their love, how the story had attracted me, how I had carefully watched every mode they made, from the moment they reached my corner of vision to the moment they left it.

So, to the couple of the red haired boy, wherever you are, no matter what is the adventure you are living now, I wish the best to you.

The couple of the red haired boyWhere stories live. Discover now