Chapter 6

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Lilo: Reuben, there's a fake Stitch driving the Big Red Battleship.

Cream: And Scourge has teamed up with that faker.

Amy: Do you know what that means?

Reuben: I don't know. It's lunchtime?

Amy: No. Stitch and Sonic are in trouble!

Lilo: And so is the Galactic Armada, and planet Turo, and maybe the whole galaxy!

Reuben: It ain't our problem.

Amy: Look, you're number 625. The closest one to Stitch. If you wanted to, you could have all of his powers. You just have to stop making sandwiches and start making something of yourself.

Cream: We're gonna fix this ship, fly to planet Turo, and warn the Grand Councilwoman. Are you with us?

Lilo: She said, are you with us?

Reuben: I'm with you gals, but first we gotta put this servo unit back in the main drive shaft.

Amy: You are as strong as Stitch.

Reuben: Now, we reroute the ignition conduit...

Cream: And you can walk on the ceiling.

Reuben: I'm a little out of practice.

Lilo, Amy, Cream, Cheese, and Reuben fixed Gantu's ship.

Amy: It's done! Let's go!

Later that night

Mertle: And please, keep Weird-lo and her weirdness as far away from me as possible. Huh?

Scourge: We're back on Earth!

Leroy: Mwahahahaha!


With Sonic and Co

Pleakley: Aaaaaaaaah! Black hole dead ahead!

Stitch broke out of the container.

Sonic: Freedom! Let me try to make new coordinates.

Computer: New destination coordinates denied.

Shadow: That's impossible.


Computer: Impact with black hole: one minute.

Pleakley: What's gonna happen to us?

Tails: According to calculations, that black hole will transport us to a volcano planet, where we will be quickly, yet painfully vaporized!

Pleakley: Vapor?

Jumba: Unless....

Pleakley: "Unless"?

Tails: Unless we alter destination by disrupting event horizon just before entry. Is requiring small projectile approximately 3-inch diameter weighing 17.2 ounces.

Pleakley: But we don't have...

Knuckles: Wait a minute! Lilo's rock!

Knuckles put the rock in the hole.

Jumba: Ay! Is 22.3 ounces.

Stitch: Gimme.

Computer: Impact with black hole: 30 seconds.

Pleakley: Go, little monster! Go, go, go! Save us, save us, from the black hole! Yay!

Everyone: Aaah!

With Leroy and Scourge

Scourge: Where is it?

Leroy: (alien language)

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