The Flight

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I'm Irene.

I've been told my whole life that I'm special, I did develop quite early and learned to have full conversations by age 2. I remember in school I always struggled, the kids didn't like me much and I was often by myself reading, not wanting anyone to bother me. I had a wonderful life back at my old house, my old town, but my mother had some commitment issues in her marriage with my father, she has a drinking issue and is often out at bars while my father takes care of me. My father and mother often fight about her always being out and never at home with me, and for some reason they thought moving to a remote and closed off area would fix our toxic household issues.

My parents and I were waiting at the airport to board our flight to Oregon, they found a very nice cabin near a lake they liked, of course they never asked for my input on things, but as my mom always said 'I'm just a dumb kid'.

A loud announcement is made and my father fumbled to stand up, grabbing his bags and mine. My mom stood up tiredly and pushed me in front of her to stay with them while we passed a crowd of people to board our plane. We looked around for numbers, since the rows only held two, I had to sit with my mother. I could see the expression on her face, she felt exactly as disgusted as I did for us to be sitting together for 6 hours.

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