The Flight (pt 2)

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We were only 3 hours in and I already wanted to claw my mothers eyes out, her high pitched whiny voice kept complaining the whole time.

'It's to hot in here! Fix it Laurence!!'
She nagged at my father because he could apparently fix the temperature of the plane. I peered out the window of my seat and felt nauseous, I got up quickly and ran down the isle of the plane, quickly running into the bathroom. Many minutes later I walked out slowly with a hand over my mouth to make sure I was finished, I sat back down in my seat and sighed closing my eyes.

Next thing I knew, we had landed.

I could feel a change in the plane when it hit the ground and stopped, it was bumpy. I looked behind me at my father, he had stood up quickly after the flight attendant told us we could, my mother had shoved past everyone roughly and walked off the plane nearly tripping, which I found humorous. My father took my hand and we walked off and into the Portland International Airport, it was very large and my eyes studied the whole place as me and my father walked through the crowd to collect our stuff. After which we did, we got into a cab and started our long drive to Gold Beach, we're our new cabin house would lie.

(Hello, a little note from me, I'm sorry about the short chapters, I'm lacking creativity right now in this point in the story but I promise they won't be this short for long. <3)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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