man of the house

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Ri’s POV

“Ray! Brinnie! Ari!” Gooch says.

Dad, Bri and I walked over to Gooch who was messing with a chair with a machine attached to it, and me and Bri raised our eyebrows at it.

What the heck is it?

What does it do?

Why are we up here?

“Yes Gooch?”

“What?” Me and Bri say to Gooch.

“Look at this antique chair I got.” He beas and me, Bri and Dad just stare at it.

“Okay.” The three of us say, as me and Bri are eating cheese quesadillas, that we had from last night for dinner.

“It’s one of the very first vibrating massage chairs ever made!” Gooch says and me and Bri look at each other and we roll our eyes.

“Isn’t there already a vibrating massage chair?” Bri asks and Gooch gives her a look.

“Okay this is my version of one.” He snaps back at Bri and she just rolls her eyes at him.

“Will one of you help me fix it up so I can relax my back?” Gooch asked us three and we were walking out when the door opened and Henry came walking in.

“Hey guys.” He greets us and he takes a bite out of my quesadilla, and I glare at  him, and he has a smirk on his face.

“Hey.” I said sarcastic to him and he took another bite out of my quesadilla and I didn’t even bother trying to do anything.

“Hey Hen.” Bri says and Henry smiles a little at her.

“Whoa. I didn’t think that you were working today.” Dad says.

“I’m not, but I gotta go downstairs and check the crime computer. Because there was a purse snatching.” Henry informe us and I scoffed and Henry gave me a look before continuing looking at Dad.

“Oh just file a police report.” I cutted in and Henry gave me a look.

“Who got her purse snatch?” Bri asks.

“My mom.” Henry replied and Dad’s eyes went wide. Here we go again. What is with Dad and Henry’s mom? She’s married to Henry’s Dad.

Why are you so interested in his mom?” Me and Bri ask.

“Have you seen his mom?” Dad answers and he turns back to Henry. “We’ve got to help her.”

“Dad, I’m sure his father is taking good care of her.” Bri assures Dad.

“Nah, he’s out of town.” Henry informed us and Bri rolled her eyes.

“Of course, there’s more to the story.” Bri complains.

And they talk about me complaining? 

Dad grabbed Henry’s shirt and pulled him close to him, and Bri finished her quesadilla. “He’s out of town?!”

“Yeah but I can’t handle things.” Henry says trying to reason with Dad but it’s not working.

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