"What about me?" "Anything for you."

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Luka sighed, locking his car in the hospital car park. After 4 months this never got easier. He walked into the lobby, heading over to the receptionist's desk.

"Hi, I'm here to see Adrien Agreste."
"He's in Room 47."
"Thank you."

He paced into his boyfriend's hospital room, sighing and sitting on a chair next to his bed.

It had been 4 months since Adrien had said or done anything. He'd been in a coma after a particularly difficult akuma attack, leaving Luka devastated and heartbroken.

Every single day he'd come to the hospital to visit him, taking his unconscious boyfriend's hand, and talking to him. Luka knew it sounded crazy, but it helped him a lot. Today was no different.

He stared at his boyfriend's face, his face looked so peaceful. He took his motionless hand, caressing his fingers.

"Hi, love. I wish you'd say something back to me. The doctors are saying it's looking unlikely you'll wake up."

Luka gripped Adrien's hand tighter, trying to suppress his sobs. Unaware his love was slowly regaining consciousness.

"Please wake up Adri. I-I can't live without you. You make me happy, happier than I ever was before. What about everyone? All your friends, Juleka, Marinette, Nino, everyone! They're all going to miss you so much."

Luka wiped away the tears streaming down his face.

"What about me?"

Luka's eyes widened as he felt Adrien's still hand grasp his.

"Anything for you, Luka.", his green eyes glistening with tears.

Lukadrien June 2021Where stories live. Discover now