A Plateau of Sentiments

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Complicated is an understatement. It's as if I was made from a combination of all the things that don't belong together. Yet here I am. Alive.

Imagine being in the darkest cave possible, deep down underground and far, far from any signs of life. What would go through your head at that moment? Panic? Fear? Would you be bewildered? If someone would have asked me that same question, I would said I'd stop imagining and live on with my life. I would have told them to leave me alone. But now? I feel like I am in a deep cavern. I feel like I've been stranded from all Humanity. 

It hurts

The very shackles of my existence are stripping apart, freeing me from the torture on this Earth. But what if it was not all that...

 What if I misunderstood the stars...

If, in reality, Fate was in my favour and each time, I turned down her hand...

It hurts

Knowing this hurts my soul. My mind torn to pieces by the bombarding voices of everyone I turned away. It's as if a dark and dominant presence is eating away from the very fragments which make me who I am.  My Individuality being taken from me...

I was never always like this. Life used to be an enjoyable playground where responsibilities where non-existent. A place where you could pour your heart out and still come out the other side alive and well. Sometimes, I wish i could recreate such peace in the prison I live in now. 

A tranquil Plateau where one can be the very Embodiment of Sentiments.

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