Chapter one

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Roughly a month after Lord Asriel killed Edward Coulter In self defence, the court ruled that Lyra to be raised in a nunnery. The next day Mrs. Coulter went to pay the judge that ruled Lyra to be raised by nuns a visit  and demanded that Lyra were to comes home with her mother. The judge was not impressed with Marisa trying to use her high power over him to gain custody of her infant child.
After several hours and having her golden monkey to help convince the judge, he changed the outcome of baby Lyra to that she now be raised by her mother and not by nuns.

Marisa wasn't really equiped for a baby except for the couple of things Edward had bought thinking it was his child but everything was blue. She had her main servant Grace go to the shops and buy everything pink for when Lyra gets home. When Grace gets back to the flat she found Marisa in the bedroom she picked for Lyra and had painters and one of her man servants moving furniture around and having the spare bed dismantled so there was room for the crib.

The next day the lift bell kept ringing, when a servant finally answered it there was a nun holding baby Lyra and Mrs. Coulter comes pacing out of Lyra's room straight to the lift. Lyra was screaming and fussing but as soon as she was placed in her mother's arms she instantly stopped. Marisa was calmly walking around the flat showing her infant daughter around then when she looked down at her daughter she noticed she had fallen asleep so she placed her in her crib, closed the door and went to her office to do some work.

Not even five minutes later a servant came and knocked on Mrs. Coulters office door letting her know Lyra was crying and no one could settle her, so off she went to attend to her daughter. As soon as Marisa walked in and looked into the crib Lyra stoped crying. Marisa grabbed little Lyra's hand and said "mummy has some work to do, can you please be quiet and nap and when you've had your nap I'll be finished with work" Lyra just grunted and started to cry again. Grace mentioned that she had purchased a baby basket that she could have in her office so Lyra was close. Marisa had asked for it to placed in her office as she couldn't keep leaving her office every five minutes because Lyra wanted to be around her mum.

Eventually Mrs. Coulter got her work done but she had to do it with Lyra in her arms as that's where  Lyra wanted to be and not in a silly basket next to her mothers desk. Lyra was placed back into the basket and she started hiccuping and Marisa noticed something real strange, her daughters dæmon changed every time Lyra hiccuped. Pan changed into a puppy, then a baby bird then this little golden fluff ball which kinda looked like a baby golden monkey then back to a ermine.
Marisa thought it was fascinating that he changed when his human hiccuped, she also wondered if this was his first change. Every time Lyra hiccuped Marisa wrote down every animal Pan turned into and then put it in a folder marked Lyra and Pan.

It's getting close to Lyra's first birthday and Marisa is planning this big party but then realised not many people know about her daughter as she usually hid her in the flat or had Grace take her for a walk when she had Father MacPhail or the Cardinal come over to talk about the Oblation Board and where it's heading. They knew Marisa had the child but would never say anything as the last time they brought up a conversation about Lyra, Marisa went into a frenzy as they hinted about having her do the procedure when she got a little older.

Just days before Lyra turns one, she heard the buzzer for the lift ringing indicating someone was up to visit. Marisa wasn't impressed as she just got Lyra down for a nap and was hoping whoever it was would just go away. She ignored the constant buzzing hoping they'd get the picture and go away, but they didn't. In the end Marisa could hear her daughter stirring in her sleep so she thought she would tell whoever it is off for waking her child.

When she unlocked the door she got the biggest shock of her life as she was not excepting to see Asriel on the other side. She didn't exactly know where Asriel went after the trial and in a way she didn't really care either. "Hello Marisa" Asriel said, Stelmaria walked up to the golden monkey who was ready to attack and started to rub herself against the golden monkey. Marisa was so mad at Asriel as he nearly woke Lyra up.

What if Mrs. Coulter kept Lyra after the court hearing Where stories live. Discover now