Chapter five

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After leaving London five days ago, Marisa finally arrives at Bolvanger. She was greeted by Dr Cooper and some sister that she'd never met before. Dr Cooper was explaining how some kids remember things after being cut and others go into a zombie like trance.

"That's very interesting" Marisa said in a excited tone. After walking down endless halls, in the snow and in the building, Dr Cooper finally asked "where is your child? You were asked to bring her. We need to check her right away!" Marisa stopping dead in her tracks and just glaring at Dr Cooper. "This is the reason I didn't bring my daughter, I knew this would happen and she's only three years old. You are not to touch my daughter, do I make myself clear?" Dr Cooper staring at Marisa not knowing what to say or do as Marisa doesn't know what's happening back in London.

What Marisa didn't know is that when Father MacPhail was at the airfield with her and saw Asriel in tow holding Lyra's hand, he ordered a urgent letter to be sent to Bolvanger to state the child didn't get on the airship with her mother. After Dr Cooper got the letter, he ordered for the child to be captured so they can test her. Somehow the Oblation Bored caught wind of Lyra being the "profit of ending sin" so they wanted to make sure that if it is her, they end it.

———————Back in London———————

Asriel holding onto his child's hand tight so he doesn't lose her, walking a quick pace down crowed streets trying to get back to Marisa's apartment. He also noticed the men in uniforms was still following them, Lyra only being three was getting tired and her legs not being able to carry her anymore. Not realising he had lost his grip, he hears his child screaming out "daddy wait" Asriel runs fast back his child, the men just inches away, Asriel grabs Lyra by the wrist, pulls her straight to his chest and runs.

Some Gyptians saw Asriel in trouble and stepped in to help him. Asriel could hear Lyra crying, "it's ok, we are almost home" Asriel said to his daughter. On the home stretch, Lyra and Asriel could see the building that Marisa's apartment was in. Being careful crossing the street dodging cars and other people Asriel just makes it to the other side and then something hits him hard.

RUN LYRA, was the last thing Lyra heard from her father 

Running towards the building... the only building she really only remembers, Lyra saw a lady who she saw help fend off the men in uniform. "Come here, quick child" the woman said. Lyra knew she was Gyptian and to trust them, that's one thing Asriel taught his daughter. Lyra could hear her father groaning in pain as the men hit him.

GRAB HER! One man shouted

Being so tired and just wanting to collapse on the ground, Lyra ran as fast as she could. The woman had her arms out ready to catch the exhausted young child when she got to her. In the blink of an eye the child and the woman were gone and the men gave up and went back to Asriel.

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