Chapter 10

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Marisa runs outside to see Lyra being dragged by a Magisterium man. Trying to keep up with the man and young child, the golden monkey tried to keep up with the man but as soon as he got even an arm's length to him the man would swerve to the other side. Next thing a sharp shooting pain would travel through his whole body and make him stop in his tracks, the monkey got an upper hand thanks to his human who threw a large rock at his body.

"Give her back, I demand you give me back my daughter"

The man never turned around, Lyra would try anything to have him loosen his grip. Bite, scratch and last resort scream in his ear. The man was determined to snatch this child and take her to his destination........

After trying to keep up Marisa gave up chasing the man and her child.

"I will find you Lyra, I promise"

Marisa returned to the house and packed a small bag, grabbed a few of Lyra's items and left the house. One thing Marisa didn't want to do was return to her flat as she knew that's where the Magisterium would be waiting for her. Her last resort was going to Maggie for help.

Late at night, Marisa looks up to the sky and sees all the stars and then remembers the time Asriel, Lyra and herself sat on Ma Costas boat and told Lyra about all the stars and how they both learned to travel by star constellations. These memories Marisa holds close to her heart.

Marisa bangs on the side of Maggies boat, trying to get her attention. The last person Maggie would expect to see at this hour certainly wasn't Marisa Coulter.

"Marisa what's wrong? Where's Lyra?"

Marisa looks at Maggie with tears in her eyes. "They took her, they took Lyra"

"Who.......... Who took Lyra, Marisa?"

"The Magisterium. A man broke into my house, I assume other men were making loud sounds knowing I'll leave Lyra, and one came through her window and snatched her. I need your help Maggie"

Rather shocked, Maggie agreed to help Marisa look for Lyra. The two mothers set off to track Lyra down.


Lyra had no idea on what was happening, but she did know the Magisterium was behind it.

"Let me go now! My parents will kill you, I hope you know that" Lyra spat at the man.

The man just ignored her and would laugh at her little threats as he knew a small child her age couldn't hurt him. Pan finally got the courage to transform into something big to attack the man.

"Now Pan"

Pan transforms into a badger and bit the man's ankle. He drops little Lyra, as soon as Lyra hit the ground she got up and ran as fast as her little legs would allow her.

Pan is following his human as a small swallow, they didn't know where they were going, all Lyra wants to do is run.

Almost out of breath Lyra stops for a split second to catch her breath. Poor Lyra thought she was in the clear till two big arms came up behind and snatched her. Lyra started screaming and squirming then out of nowhere an arrow flies into the man's chest just missing little Lyra.

A beautiful witch was the one who fired the arrow, Lyra had never seen a witch before and didn't know how to act around her.

"Thank you" was all Lyra could say to the witch.

"You're welcome Lyra. Now please come with me, I need to return you to your mother"

"Wait.... How do I know you don't work for the bad people? You could have shot that man to get me"

The witch just laughs. "Silly child, I am Queen Serafina Pekkala, I'm on your side not theirs. Now come quickly before more of the Magisterium come looking for you and the man I just killed"

Since Serafina couldn't fly with the young child, she sent her daemon Kaiser to search for the child's mother. Moments later Kaiser returns to say "She is close, stay put she'll be here soon"

Only being around adults, Serafina didn't know how to entertain a young child like Lyra. Instead, they both decided to start walking in the direction of Marisa. Other witches would just leave a young child to fend for themselves but not Serafina. Lyra reminded Serafina about her own child who she lost many years ago.

After walking for a for what felt like hours to a young child, Lyra just stopped in her tracks and sat down.

"Lyra, you have to get up, I'm sure we will find mother soon" Pan whispered in his human's ear

"I can't Pan, I'm tired"

Serafina noticed the small child was sitting in the dirt. She could tell she was tired, so she sat with her.

Roughly an hour later Marisa and Ma Costa could be seen coming up in the distance. Lyra looked up and screamed with excitement. What tiredness she had she ignored and ran to her mother. Marisa was so glad to see her daughter again.

"Lyra, my Lyra"

Serafina knew her job was done and left.

Marisa was so happy to have finally got her daughter back, but in the back of her mind she knew they weren't safe and have officially ran out of places to hide from the Magisterium. Maggie could tell that Marisa has hit rock bottom but didn't want to show that side to Lyra.

Maggie invited Marisa and Lyra to stay on her boat hoping Marisa would leave Lyra with her. Maggie was thinking more about Lyra's safety than Marisa's.

Word got to Asriel of what happened to Lyra through the witches. He knew his daughter was no longer safe and had to do anything to save her, but that had to wait as he has almost completed something that will change this world forever.

Marisa knows the Magisterium travels north and goes as far as Bolvanger to the station. Asriel's laboratory was a few days north from there, she didn't want to have to drag Lyra that far in the cold but it's now starting to look like she has to.... To protect her child from a bunch of men who want to hurt a small child

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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