2. The Ball's in your court

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(The names are simply the ones I imagined when coming up with the story, if you are adapting the story, feel welcome to change the names)


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The Ball's in your court
Genre: Romance

Every tennis player dreams of the day when they play centre court at Wimbledon, Dylan and Serena are no different. From the age of four, they have trained at the prestigious Rockwood academy of Tennis for the small chance of being chosen to play at Wimbledon when they turn sixteen. Together they hold the record for the most contentious rivalry the academy has ever seen, on and off the tennis court. 

Dylan hates the fact that Serena is the only player on the team who can run circles around him. Serena hates the fact that Dylan seems to have everything; money, expensive gear, and parents who spoil him rotten while she has had to fight her way up to the top.

However, things are bound to take a turn, when during the summer they turn 16, they are both picked for the Wimbledon championships that year.

They soon realise the price of fame is much more than either of them could have expected, leaving them to rely on each other as they battle the struggles of addiction, hiding injuries from their coaches, and training day and night. As a last resort, two months before their first match, they agree to be allies and help each other through the season. However, their alliance soon appears to change into something more romantic, but can they count on the feelings being genuine?

After all, their coach's favourite line was

"Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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STORY IDEAS/ PROMPTS by NatalieHo10xWhere stories live. Discover now