Chapter 4. Disco Records as Currency??!?

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The 2 girls head to the Kmart Lounge, ready to collect some disco records, as Maria taught Milk about culture.

Milk grabbed a few records from the shelves. "Hey look, Maria" Milk exclaimed as she pulled Maria's vest. Maria turned around. She was impressed

The 2 continued to collect disco records and small appliances, letting their energy run quickly. They then pay for their things.

Maria grabbed a dollar bill, uttering "I'm sorry" as she kissed the dollar bill and gave it to the cashier.

"You remind me so much of that weird wolf guy carrying a yellow puppet" the cashier told her. Maria curtsied as she replied back "Oh.. I'm his doppelganger"

Milk Chan giggled and hugged Maria "oh okay, doppelganger?" She said calmly as the 2 left Kmart

"That was fun" Maria told Milk.

"It sure was" Milk replied

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