Chapter 7. Spending Time Together

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(Look guys, this looks like a lemon, but I swear, guys, I swear. It's not. Also, this will be a longie, so buckle up everyone)

Milk has had a long, exhausting day at the Kmart Lounge. The Kmart Lounge is where they frequently go for reasons, like getting ice cream or buying disco records.

The dance recital at the Kmart Lounge just basically wore them out, so the 2 girls went to their bright pink room, where they spent time together.

They both changed into their pajamas, with Milk wearing her Rilakkuma hoodie, and Maria wearing her usual tank top and short-shorts.

They both played video games, like Among Us, Skullgirls, and that one dating simulation game that Milk played one time. (Yes, this was in an actual episode of Oh! Super Milk Chan)

After that, the girls went in for some cuddle time as Maria nudged Milk.

"Miss DeWolfe, what are those...." Milk started counting the disco records on the wall. "Seven disco records??"

"Oh, Milk, they're for decoration" Maria explained to Milk as she bounced the chubby, boopy face of lil Milkie, long before placing Milk on her abdomen.

Earl Schmerle walked in on the 2 girls enjoying their time together, muttering one word "Blah"

Earl left as Maria pinched Milk's nose. "This is a baby nose" Maria said calmly and happily. "You know I love baby noses"

"I have a baby nose?" Milk questioned, only somewhat joking, again. "Yes, you have a cute teeny weeny tiny lil baby nose, right there, ahahaha.." said Maria as she booped the tiny nose a few times.

Maria turned Milk on her stomach and gave her a few back pats, making Milk giggle and drool on her.

"My Milk would be the death of me" Maria muttered as they both turned off the lights and went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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