Chapter 46

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Sonic leaned his back on the wall opposite Starline with arms crossed. "I guess this means it's safe for us to talk now?"

"Oh, us talking is anything but safe, Sonic. We do have privacy if that's what you mean,"

"Where does this elevator lead?"

"One of Ivo's labs. This elevator is an alternative access point for emergencies and other divergent scenarios,"

Sonic was confused about who Ivo was before realizing Starline was referring to Eggman. "You didn't seem like you were in a hurry to get here. I take it that this is a 'divergent scenario?'"

"Indeed. It has been for quite some time, wouldn't you say?"

The elevator slowed until it reached solid ground. Sonic pulled the gate aside and stepped out with Starline. They were in a small room of unoccupied space leading up to a metal door. Starline brought out a keycard while smirking and offered it to Sonic. The blue hedgehog annoyedly grabbed that plastic card then swiped it through the reader on the doors. They opened into a metal catwalk that stretched through a tall, narrow tunnel.

The two moved down the walkway, passing by nothing of note at first. As they continued, glass tubes appeared at the sides of the catwalks, serving as little displays. Each of them were spaced generously apart and offered a decent amount of space for working nearby. Sonic could see robots in some of the tubes that resembled the DWMA instructor models like Gamma or Omega. Some of the tubes were empty, with miscellaneous metal parts scattered around them.

It wasn't until Starline stopped that Sonic gave any of these machines his undivided attention. Both of them stared up at a robot that hadn't yet been relegated to a tube. It's limbs were sleek and thin, almost seeming delicate. Assorted wires and tubes filed into this robot's back as it sat suspended in the air with both arms bent slightly while held out at each side. It was like a metal angel floating on wings of cables and chains, gazing down at them with blackened, lifeless eyes.

"Is that supposed to be me?" Sonic breathed.

The robot did resemble a hedgehog. It's blue plaiting wasn't far off from Sonic's fur color. It's red feet resembled rounded metal shoes. The "quills" of this robot's head were simplified into three sections that came to harsh points. Its fingers had pristine, sharpened claws that complimented the overall menacing nature of this machine. Even its nose was filed to a thin point.

Starline released an amused exhale. "It's supposed to be you, but better. This is Metal Sonic,"

Sonic grimaced. "I really don't get this,"

"Ivo came up with different courses of action," Starline began. "To ensure that Shadow could continue functioning as a weapon under an assortment of trying circumstances. For instance, if Shadow became corrupted and went insane, Ivo would have Metal Sonic become his meister instead,"

Sonic scoffed. "This is just stupid. What difference would a robot that looks like me make?"

"The aesthetic is secondary. Before I returned to the DWMA, I spent a lot of time researching technology that interacts with souls. Ivo learned from my research, and used it to create Metal Sonic,"

"But what is it for?"

Starline gestured at the robot. "If Shadow became a monster, Ivo would respond by either placing your soul inside Metal Sonic or mimicking your wavelength artificially if you were already devoured. Then, he would not only resemble you, but have your soul wavelength to aid in influencing a broken-minded Shadow. Perhaps even achieving some form of resonance despite being a machine,"

Sonic stared up at Metal Sonic, horrified. " way,"

"And that's only one scenario. Ivo's quite proud of Metal Sonic's potential. You've inspired him to construct a monument of sin and hatred in your likeness," The doctor leaned toward Sonic. "I'm curious. What's it like witnessing this? Is it possible that this is, in some way, flattering?"

Sonic's eyes slowly left Metal Sonic to view his professor instead. "I'm nowhere close to being flattered,"

Starline let out an unsurprised sigh. "Well then, you really won't like his other contingencies either,"

A mixture of hostility and fear enveloped Sonic. "Tell me,"

"You were right when you assumed that Shadow wouldn't take kindly to pairing with another meister. Ivo pitched the idea this morning. Shadow outright refused and demanded to be released. His request wasn't well received,"

"What will Eggman do?"

A reply didn't come right away. Starline appeared mournful and reluctant.

"He's going to erase Shadow's memory. Tonight. You won't be able to reach him. I'm so sorry, Sonic,"

Sonic took a few dazed steps backward. He let out a shaky breath, but couldn't find any words. Starline failed to fully stifle a fit of snickering and chuckling, then cleared his throat.

"I'll be in the same boat as him soon enough. The madness is spreading faster than we thought. Everything is becoming a blur. I only just remembered who you were a few hours ago,"

Starline laughed. It was a pained, incredulous laugh. He hunched over with one hand on his forehead. His other arm clutched onto his stomach. The laughter did not relent.

Desperation filled Sonic's mind, making him frantic. His hand clenched, reminding him that he was still holding the keycard. Sonic ran back through the facility, away from Starline's laughter and past all the different metal beings. A swipe of the keycard brought him back to the old elevator. He closed the gate, grabbed the lever and violently shoved it aside. The elevator activated and gradually began pulling him upward.

"Come on...come on,"

Sonic paced around the interior of the lift. He didn't remember it being this slow on the way down. Going up didn't suit this machine as well. Sonic grabbed hold of the metal gate with shaking hands.

"Come on..."

Sonic thought about Eggman. He thought about the lies and what that monster was planning to do with Shadow. Sonic had no idea how to reach the DWMA dungeon. All he knew was that he had to find Shadow. He pressed on the gate with his arms, then shook it violently. He stepped away so that he could kick the gate repeatedly. It replied with creaks and crashing sounds. Contempt welled up inside him and boiled over, saturating his voice to make it guttural.

"Come on! Come on!"

One last kick came before Sonic weakly stumbled forward onto his knees. He grabbed the gate again, resting his head on it now. He was dizzy, and felt like he was going to be sick. The anger's wake brought weakness to his mind and body. Light occasionally filled the elevator as it continued to creep upward.


All he did was think about Shadow. They were random memories that would have normally seemed mundane, but each of them were precious now. Shadow couldn't look back on moments like this if Sonic didn't find him. Everything seemed to change when a thought entered his mind. A self imposed ultimatum. He stood up straight, then looked out through the bars with a sharpened focus. The elevator finally brought him back to the old factory building. Sonic ripped the gate open and sprinted toward the DWMA.

Either he'd find Shadow, or die trying.

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