Chapter 2

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El: well get out of the restaurant and let me kill this brat.

Will: I can't leave you.

El: yes you can.

Will: no I can not.

El: please..  

Will: fine.. be safe please.

El: well that's kinda impossible but get outta here.

Will: that calms me down, thanks **sarcastic tone** 

El: you're welcome **sarcastic tone** now get out please.

Will: ok..

**Will exits the restaurant and helps the other people, meanwhile El un-pauses time. She uses her powers and gets rid of it 10 minutes later**

**El exits the restaurant to find Will**


Will: EL!

**Will hugs her. She hugs back**

Will: dang I love you so fricking much, you're so scared, but you know how to maintain yourself. It helps me a lot.

El: I love you too, and that's also one of my strengths. It balances us both out.

Will: and a weakness.

El: eh true..

Will: the demogorgon is only going to come back though.

El: yea I know, but at least everyone is safe for now.

**Will kisses her**

**El breaks it. They both smile.**

Will: so want me to take you home?

El: nah it's ok, I'll walk.

Will: yea no, get in the car **smiles**

El: pretty resistant, aren't we?

Will: eh. I just love you and want to take care of you **smiles**

El: I love you too. **smiles and kisses him**

**Will breaks it to escort her to the car, opens the door for her, and she gets in. Will closes her door, gets in the car on the other side. Will drives her home to Hopper's cabin. They arrive.**

Will: well I really enjoyed tonight

El: I did too, we'll have to do it another time

**They both laugh**

**El gives him a kiss on the cheek, and gets out of the car.**

El: bye!

Will: talk to you later!

**El goes inside to see Hopper watching the news**

Hopper: so you going to explain to me what happened tonight?

El: tomorrow. I'm freaking tired.

Hopper: ok. Go to bed.

El: ok. 

**El goes into her room and falls asleep.**

(The next day....)

**At 6:42 AM, El wakes  up, and yawns**

El: ugh, it's too early........... **in a drowsy voice. She gets up anyways, gets ready for the day, and reads Black Beauty until she is completely awake, she gets up since she is fully awake, and goes to get breakfast from the table.**

El: mmm eggos **smiles** thank you dad. 

Hopper: you're welcome sweetheart. You want to explain to me now? 

El: is it ok if I can after I eat?

Hopper: yea sure.

El: thank you **smiles**

**El eats**

El: done. Now I will explain.

Hopper: ok. go right ahead.

El: so.... I went out to eat dinner with Will, and a de-

Hopper: was it a date??

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