Chapter 4

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El: uh yea sort of.

Will: ok come **Will grabs her hand and they exit the movie room** What's up?

El: I was thinking about Mike. I haven't seen since a movie in a movie theater since he died...

Will: oh.. darling I'm sorry **hugs her**

El: no, I'm sorry. I shouldn't even be thinking about Mike.

Will: no, it's ok. You should share your thoughts if and when you want to.

El: ok.. **her eyes start watering**

Will: hey, hey. it's ok **smiles**

El: I love you so freakin much...

Will: I love you too.

**they both smile and then break the hug to go back and watch the movie**

**1 hour and 42 minutes later. The movie ends and the kids all exit the theater**

Lucas: that movie was so good!

Dustin: I know right!

Max: y'all thought that was good????

Lucas: oh heck yea

Will: I thought it was ok.

El: not a favorite, I didn't like it, but I didn't dislike it.

Max: I agree with El on that one.

Dustin: Can we all go to Scoop's Ahoy?

El: no doubt. 

Will: of course!

Max: yesssssssssssssssssssssssss

Lucas: yessirrrrrrr

Dustin: mk!

**They all head to Scoop's Ahoy. On the way, Will and El hold hands, Max and Lucas hold hands, and Dustin just walks all confident and jokes all along the way.**

Steve:  Ahoy, ladies and gentlemen! Didn't see you there. Would you guys like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me? I'll be your captain, Steve Harrington.

Lucas: store policy?

Steve: yep. 

Lucas: thought so.

Steve: anyways let's take your orders, what do y'all want?

El: Strawberry and sprinkles please.

Lucas: chocolate please.

Dustin: vanilla with three musketeer sprinkles please.

Will: I'll get a mint chocolate chip please.

Max: same as El.

Steve: ok. Will that be all?

Lucas: yep.

Steve: alright, 18.75 will be your bill for today.

Lucas: ok. 

**Max gives Lucas 3.75 to cover her half**

Lucas: it's ok, lemme pay for it. **smiles**

Max: fine.

**El and Will both smirk. Meanwhile Lucas gives Steve 18.75.**

Lucas: yea we deserve that.

Max: uh huh.

Will: yep.

El: mhm.

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